Part One

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A/N; Hey guys; I know it's been a while. Life has been crazy. In this updated version I am going to be playing about with different formats for my chapters some of them will read like short stories. Some will be historical entries that you would find in a historical textbooks. Some will be written in the form of diary entries from the characters and even letters that the characters have written to each other. I really hope you guys enjoy it now that it's actually planned out and plotted properly. Feel free to leave any comments and enjoy meeting my characters. I have also posted this (exactly - word for word) on AO3 for anyone who'd prefer to read it over there. 

This first chapter will read like a narrative story and is in 3rd person following Kahliani and her twin brother Tahi. 

- Enjoy 

SR <3


Chapter One;

Tahi had been in the garden all night. After midnight he had accepted that he was not going to bed at all. Despite sleep nagging at every muscle in his body, probing at him and begging for rest, his mind was wide awake. He could not sleep. Did not truly wish to.

His twin sister, Kahliani, was standing by her bedroom window, watching over him. She had been watching him for the last hour having also abandoned the thought of sleep. He could feel her looming presence; the weight of her stare on his back. She watched as he moved slowly through his forms that were first introduced to him when he was a young boy, he could not have been more than seven. He moved through them painfully slowly – much slower than was necessary, than he had been taught to. He only moved within a small circle that he had drawn in the dirt with some white chalk, keeping himself contained. If he allowed so much as a toe over the line he would find himself where he ought not to be, doing something he knew he would regret.

He had a tendency revert back to the basics of these ancient movements when he was avoiding something – or someone. Einar and his second in command, Ari, had arrived earlier that morning and Tahi had been in the garden in essentially the same spot since. Repeating those same movements. Over and over. Fighting against an invisible opponent. Kahliani could see from here the trembling of his muscles, the sweat gleaming from his bare skin in the moonlight. Could see the t shirt he had discarded early in the afternoon when the heat rose to an unbearable level. She saw the breath that he struggled to catch, the determination and laser focus that chased away any and all thoughts. His face was expressionless. He showed no signs of the tremendous amount of pain he was in as he continued to destroy his body.

And Kahliani had had enough of it.

She grabbed her silk gown and marched through the halls of their family's compound. It was silent. Everyone had gone to bed hours ago. The only people she passed were The Guards that protected their family. Kaladin, her own personal guard, was a few paces behind her. Had fallen into step beside her as soon as she had stepped foot out of her room. He had not even asked where they were going, he did not feel the need to. Despite the late hour, he was wide awake. And on high alert.

The marched quietly through across the tiled floor, and descended down the stairs.

"Is everything quite alright, My Queen?" There was deep concern clinging to his voice. He had noticed something not right with his Queen as soon as she had opened the door and he had laid eyes on her.

"Yes, I am quite alright, Kaladin, I am just going to retrieve my idiotic brother before he collapses onto the ground." There was a bite to Kahliani's voice that she did not intend, but she was far too irritated to apologise to him. Kaladin took no offence to it either, and simply allowed her to walk in silence. Only for a short time before his concern overwhelmed him.

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