Kaladin's First Day of Training

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A/N; Hey guys, that last part kicked off a little mini series about Kaladin and Ari's complicated backstory. This chapter is a narrative story in Kaladin's POV (written in 1st person) about his first day of training. 

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

I really appreciate all your support. 


- SR <3


The heat is unbearable. And the sun rose only an hour ago and already my clothes are sticking to my body, sweat dripping down the back of my neck. I have been standing at the gate since the sun rose, willing strength into my bones to move. I have been watching the older boys. I watched them walk out on the field, muttering quite hellos before diving into today's training. They spread out far and wide, covering the whole field. The sound of swords clanging echoed for miles.

I am still standing, watching them. Terrified to move. I didn't even notice anybody else there until a low voice rumbles behind me.

"It is incredible, isn't it?" He mutters. I whip around, stumbling away from the stranger. My shoulder collides into the metal bars of the gate. The stranger immediately throws his hands up, "I am sorry." He states. "I am deeply sorry, young man, I did not mean to scare you."

"Who are you." I demand. I glare up at him, my eyes stinging from the sun that is slowly rising behind him.

"My name is Ari." My eyes widen. My body wants to take another step toward him, but I stop. I can't. I shouldn't. "Do you have a name?" He asks politely.

He seems nice enough. He doesn't look like a monster. There doesn't appear to be any reason to be scared of him, but for some reason, I am. I am dimly aware that he asked me a question, but I am not sure I want to give it up. If I tell him my name, he might drag me onto the field and I am not ready yet.

"I was going to warm up, would you like to join me?"

"No." I snap a little harsher than I mean to. "No, thank you, Ari." I give him a polite smile. One in which he return. I can almost feel my fears melt away. Almost. "I am just... I am not ready yet." I shake my head trying to shake away those fears but they stick to me like honey.

"Ready for what?" He asks. He crouches down, clasping his hands in front of him as he comes down to my eye level. "Is it your first day here?" I nod. Just trusting my voice anymore. "Is this the first time you're away from home?" I nod again. Tears pricking the corner of my eyes. I bite my lip to keep it from trembling. "You know, it wasn't that long ago that I had my first day here. I was really scared too." He admits.

"You were?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He laughs lightly,

"Because you're a warrior. Warriors aren't scared of anything."

"Oh really?" Ari smirks, "And how many warriors have you met?" He asks.

"Not many."

"Mmmm, I see." He nods his head, his gaze drops as though he's thinking about something, "Do you know what a warrior is?"

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