The Division of Kindorion Part 2 The Island

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A/N; Hey guys, it's been a while. I got a little insecure writing about Kaladin so much, and wanted to move away from him just for a little bit, and trying to write this part proved to be quite difficult. 

Hope you enjoy it! 


SR <3



Kindorion is home to a large congregation of elves. These ancient, noble creatures walk this world for thousands of years at a time before they are blessed with reincarnation by The Elven Goddess Lyari (Lee– ari)

Aengrilor is an island situated in the Azulaen (Ah – zoo – lee – an) Sea approximately twenty miles off the Western Coast of Cadeltra. The main type of terrain on the Island is forest. The forest is incredible deep, and there are parts of the island that are undiscovered even to the natives which is just one of the many reasons as to why Aengrilor is considered to be one of the most dangerous territories in existence. Another reason for this is thought to be how alluring and inviting it looks and the magic that dwells within the people and in the land itself only enhances that feature. On average a thousand people die within the borders of the island each year after having been seduced into forest, both by magic and by legends.

In term of the animals (besides the elves) that inhabit the land, anything that moves is incredibly dangerous and can kill. Though more often than not the smaller the animal the more venomous they tend to be and it's the small miniscule animals that you can barely see that are most likely to kill you.

As for the flora, every flower and plant that exists on the island had some sort of purpose whether that is medicinal or culinary. The elves of Aengrilor will spend multiple lifetimes studying Botany and will start their studies from a very young age. This contributes to the perilous nature of the Island because foreigners have no hope to understand which plants are safe, and which are poisonous.

The natives to the island are split into four different elven clans each of whom have selected a piece of land, built on it and claimed it as their own. Though there are no physical borders, the elves have dwelled on the island for so long they can tell where one territory ends and another begins just by the subtle shift in flora and fauna. The elves are careful not to cross these borders unless absolutely necessary, and it is incredibly rare for the island to host foreigners meaning that generally speaking, elves do not communicate with those that do not belong to their clan.

The Different Territories;

Each of the different territories are named after the clan that inhabit them. Naemriel (Nay – ma - re – el) is in the Northern Region of The Island. Erione (Ah – re – own) is in the Eastern Region. Savarian (Sah – va – ree – an) is in the Southern Region. Wyndael (Win – dale) is in the Western Region.

Then there is The Dead Lands which is the unofficial name for an uninhabited area in the middle of the island that is the only civilised area of the island that has modern architecture built upon it. It's called The Dead Lands because all of the flora and fauna was destroyed in a battle, along with the lives of ten thousand soldiers. The magic that was used in that battle was so strong that it's no longer fertile enough to sustain life. Here you will find Aengrilor Academy where only a select few have the privilege to study along with other buildings.


Naemriel is the name given to the Northern Region of the Island. It is the most secluded part of the island and the furthest away from any of the other clans. It is home to the most ruthless Elven Clan led by Taenaran (Tay – nah – re – an) Naemriel – the vicious former General in the Kindorion Army who was Cadeltra's second in command. Taen (Tay – n) was banished to the Island along with handful of his most loyal soldiers as punishment. Though when it became clear that they were not welcome there, they fled and went into hiding.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2024 ⏰

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