one | hold you

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Gracie was aware she wasn't the ideal partner. She knew she got overly emotional, and then didn't know what to do with herself when she reached that state. She knew she would yell, storm out of rooms, storm out of their lives.

Good Riddance was in her eyes her tell-all.

She preferred not to relive the nights she spent on the phone, ranting to Abby or Audrey or even Taylor about whatever an ex had done to piss her off, hearing them sigh before they gave advice the both of them knew she wouldn't take on board.

It'd been two years since she had last seen Elle Clifton.

They'd met at a party a year before she finally said something she couldn't take back. Their relationship was a whirlwind of passion that eventually fizzled out into hatred for no reason other than resentment. Who knew a relationship kept as a secret wouldn't pan out?

Gracie replayed the scene in her mind often, the moment when she hurled those cruel words at her. Words she hadn't even meant but had let loose in a fit of rage. It was as if once they were out there, they took on a life of their own, wrapping around her and Elle like barbed wire, pulling them apart irreparably.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She had spat, marching into their shared bedroom. Elle had looked up at her from her place on the bed with an indescribable fear in her eyes. "What the fuck did you tell her?"

"Tell who?" Elle asked, sitting up.

"Taylor! You fucking told her about us."

A frown made its way onto her features. "I didn't mean anything bad. I thought she already knew."

"I told you!" Gracie laughed, although it came out more of a cackle. "I told you I would rather fucking die than have us get out. Are you fucking stupid?"

Elle stayed silent. That was what haunted her the most. She stayed silent, apart from a nod.

The next day she was gone.

The day after that, Phoebe showed up to collect her things.

Gracie moved on quickly. That was how she worked. She stayed up at night, hating herself for what she had done, then went out the next morning to meet whatever guy she could rub in the other girl's face.

It was no wonder Elle had run for the hills.

She wondered if karma was finally catching up with her when she laid eyes on Elle again. A few friends had invited her out to a party a few miles out of town. They'd arrived, grabbed their drinks, then sat anxiously in wait for the live music that had been promised. Imagine her shock when she looked up and saw those familiar tattoos adorning the hands holding an all black acoustic guitar.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Elle had cleaned herself up significantly. She had quite a few more tattoos now as well, at least in the places not covered by her black suit and matching slacks. Her hair was up and she wore a shy grin. The first chords she played hit Gracie straight in the gut. She recognised the song instantly. It was the first track Elle had released following their breakup and it was so painfully dedicated to her that she'd spent a few nights crying over its existence.

"I used to feel it when I wake up, the thing you never had to name," She sang, her eyes closed as she strummed. "I made a life I don't remember making, couldn't just let it stay the same."

Olivia suddenly reached down and grasped Gracie's hand. It was grounding. She turned her head to glance at her. The brunette mouthed "I'm sorry" followed by "Are you okay?"

Gracie nodded, though her throat felt tight. "I'll be fine." she whispered back, forcing a smile. She turned her attention back to Elle, who continued to sing with that signature raw emotion that made her chest ache.

i love you, i'm sorry | gracie abramsWhere stories live. Discover now