four | blowing smoke

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The uber to Gracie's felt longer than it actually was, the driver making small talk about LA nightlife as he drove. Elle gave short responses, trying to ignore the messages from Rowan buzzing in her pocket.

She hesitated stepping out of the car, shooting the driver a small smile before walking up to the gates.

Her breath caught in her throat. A knot tightened in her stomach. She hit the intercom button with a shaky hand, listening to the beep that followed almost immediately after. The gates opened slowly, and she stumbled her way up the driveway. Each step felt heavier than the last.

What was she even doing here? Was it that easy?

Could Gracie really just call her up and she'd drop everything? It was pathetic.

When she reached the front door, she paused. Elle could leave now. She could go back home, apologise to Rowan and make up some bullshit about Taylor not needing her. It wasn't too late.

She groaned as she finally knocked.

The door swung open a moment later, revealing a panicked looking Gracie. She was beautiful. Her hair was down, wearing a long sleeved black shirt and matching black jeans that hugged her figure. They both waited for the other to speak.


"Come in-"

They spoke over each other, Gracie giggling when Elle's eyes widened.

"Sorry." She murmured, shoving her hands into her pockets.

The brunette smiled. "It's okay, just... come in."

Elle stepped inside, wiping her boots on her way in. The weight of her decisions finally hit as Gracie pressed the door shut behind her. The atmosphere was charged with an unspoken energy, and she could feel the eyes on her back as she looked around the place.

The decor had barely changed, the only difference being the photos of Gracie and her friends that replaced the photos of them.

"Thanks for coming," Gracie spoke, her voice almost a whisper. "Do you want me to hang up your jacket?"

Elle turned to look at her with a silent nod. She shrugged the denim off of her shoulders, handing it over to the other girl.

Gracie took it from her, hanging it up on a hook near the door. She watched wordlessly and took a mental note of the way her hands trembled as she smoothed out imaginary wrinkles in the fabric. "I wasn't sure you'd show up."

"Neither was I." She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

The brunette glanced at her. "I'm glad you did."

Elle nodded slightly. She felt exposed. She always felt exposed around her, she felt vulnerable, like she was prey Gracie was hunting.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Gracie offered, leading her into the living room. She gestured for her to take a seat.

"A water would be nice."

She disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, leaving her alone to stare aimlessly around the familiar yet unfamiliar space. Elle checked her phone, the notifications making her feel nauseous.

rowan: that's fine, is everything okay?
rowan; phoebe is worried can u call her to calm her down lol
rowan: i love you!! call me when you're on ur way home ?

She looked up when a glass of water appeared in front of her. "Thanks." She murmured.

"I'm going to be honest," Gracie took a seat across from her. "I've only just gotten home. I was- I was at Taylor's like all night."

i love you, i'm sorry | gracie abramsWhere stories live. Discover now