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"Hey Sannie, I'm coming in the bathroom,"

    Wooyoung says, as he continues in his tracks to the bathroom sink while San is still in the shower. It's just like any other day, San in the shower, Wooyoung doing his nightly routine at the sink before he showers to cut down time so they can be in bed as early as possible. Except today, San didn't hear Wooyoung come in as he was "busy" doing some other task.

    For example, jerking off to his best friend with the best imagination of him he could. Now, you would think after hearing the sounds of his hand moving so vigorously around his dick, Wooyoung would leave the bathroom. WRONG. He stayed, as he was curious about who San was jerking off too.

    He found out through the moans he was letting out of "ohhh~ Young-ahhh" and "Shit Woo, you're so ff-fucking tigh- AhhhhHH."

   If that doesn't say enough, I don't know what will.

   Now Wooyoung being Wooyoung, he walked back out as quietly as possible, just to knock on the door louder and announce he was coming in louder just to get his attention. He wanted him to stop and be stuck hard in the same room as his "crush." At least he thinks he also has a crush on Wooyoung. It's no secret that Wooyoung has had a crush on San, too, for God knows how long. Everyone knew. Everyone but Choi San.

   Wooyoung and his evil little mind came up with a plan to get said Choi San on top of him that exact night. He just needed the right time to execute it correctly.

If only Choi San wasn't so OBLIVIOUS.

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