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    A boring Tuesday afternoon after dance practice. I'm ready to go home, shower, eat, and sleep. It was only me and Yunho hyung in the dance studio anyways as everyone had different schedules. Hongjoong hyung is in his recording studio locked up like always, Seonghwa hyung  stayed home to tidy up and cook for us. Yeosang hyung is with Jongho filming something for our vlogs. And lastly, Mingi and Sannie are out at a last-minute photo shoot.

   I'm exhausted, but I can't be too tired yet as we have to walk back to the dorms. Since our manager is out running about making sure everyone is in line, we didn't want to bother him for a drive home. Especially if we only live about 3 blocks away. As long as we have our mask and hats on, we should be set.

"Wooyoungie, does Sannie know that you like him yet?" Yunho broke the silence.

Of course, Yunho would bring that up right now. I love you, hyung, but sometimes you speak at the wrong times.

"OH uh- no, not yet hyung, he's a bit oblivious in that term." Wooyoung responded timidly.

"Oh no, it's ok, I can understand. Mingi is the same in that sense. They can be a bit dense, really." Yunho said dryly.

And that was it. That was the last word spoken the entire walk home. I know he didn't mean to make it awkward, but at the same time, he didn't have to ask at that moment. I was a bit too tired anyway to have a full convo on why it's taking so long for me to stop dropping pittying hints and just confess to him. But it's not his fault that he's horribly oblivious, and it's not my fault I can't grow the balls to just confess and ask him out.


Walking in the door of the dorm was like walking through the gates of heaven at the scent that flew through the air and hit you right in the face. It smelt so dreamy and wonderful. Looking around, I spot Seonghwa hyung in the kitchen, cooking up some Samgyeopsal with sides of Tteokbokki, Kimchi, and Gimbap. It's definitely a special day or something because this is a rare sight to see.

"Seonghwa hyung, what's gotten into you to make all this?" Woo questioned

"Oh hey Wooyoungie. It's nothing , just though you've all worked super hard and deserve a good home cooked meal. " Hwa responded with a wide grin on his face.

"Ooooooo Seonghwa hyung this looks delicious" Yunho joined in.

"Thanks, Yunho. Now go clean up you two so we can wait for the others to arrive and for the food to finish cooking. Mingi and Sannie are already back, they should be washing up right now." Hwa told them.

"Ok, hyung!" They shouted simultaneously.

And up the stairs they went to their respective shared rooms.

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