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I was trusted with the job of being Colonel Phillips personal driver. It was a less glamorous job then I had anticipated being there on base, but nonetheless it kept me informed. I liked to know what was going on at head quarters. We were expecting Doctor Erskine very soon, and here he would pick the first Super Soldier. Our last set of recruits had arrived yesterday and were in line now.

Phillips officially assigned me to a be Dr. Erkisne's coordinator. I was to coordinate his schedule and research with the Army. I was supposed to help make sure the super soldier program would move as effectively as possible. So in other words, I was a glorified assistant for the Doctor. This wasn't quite the job I wanted to have while here. Peggy's job seemed more interesting to me, but Peggy had a certain grit that made her perfect for the job. She was tough as nails and didn't let up, but she knew her limits and theirs. She was in charge of training for a small company of soldiers. They were Super Solider candidates so they would be under heavy fire.

I drove Phillips out to see the new recruits that would soon make history. I parked the car as Peggy gave one her best right hook. Phillips gave an impressed whistle as he walked up to the mangled crew. I stayed by the car away from the recruits. I was handed a list of the names of the men in line by a soldier who told me to take it to administration. I nodded and waited for Phillips to finish his little talk before dropping off the roster. Sometimes I would read the names to see if I recognized them. I never did, but now and then there would be a name that made me question if I had met that person before. By then all the names had run together, and every David and John I read all meshed together. But I flipped to a random page and scanned the roster mindlessly out of pure boredom anyway.

Fitzgerald, Samuel M.
French, Robert I.
Hodge, Gilmore A.
Marcus, John R.
Micheal, Charles O.
Rogers, Steven G.
Sousa, Daniel E.
Walter, Noah. R
Williams, Luke, S.


Rogers, Steven G. That son of a bitch.

My head shot up from looking at the list and I searched up and down the line. Colonel Phillips' speech was being drowned out by most if the men including me. I walked up and down the line searching the hidden face of each man. Finally my eyes dipped down to the bucket sized helmet of a soldier almost a foot shorter than every one else. There was my Steve. I tried to shoot him a smile seeing if he recognized me.

I wanted patiently for them to be told their duties and times for their first day. I stood by the car forming a plan to meet Steve. I walked up to Peggy and stood next to her. As the men were released they walked pasted us. Steve caught my eye, smiled, and sent a mischievous wink in my direction that made me smile. He seemed really happy to be here.

"Did he just wink at you?!" Peggy whispered appalled.

"Don't worry about it." I assured her turning back to the jeep that I drove here. I got into the drivers side and Phillips took a seat next to me. I gave a little wave to Peggy before starting the car.

"What do you think, any winners?" I casually asked Phillips who just grunted. I put the Jeep into drive and headed over to head quarters.

"They say Erskine is a goddamn genius but he brought a ninety pound asthmatic onto base." Phillips ranted.

"Wait he's already talking about that man?" I asked surprised. Erskine hadn't really talked too much about who he thought would be a good first contender. But it seemed like he already bragged to Phillips about Steve. What did Steve get himself into?

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