I ran towards Loki's cell. I didn't have any time to grab any weapons. I just had to rush down there. When I got there, everything was already in chaos. Thor was trapped in his cell and Loki was watching him.
I ran up to Loki tackling him to the ground. He was strong, stronger than any opponents I had met. He was swift, but he wasn't as powerful as I thought he might be. Isn't he a god after all? I punched him in the face, and he pushed me off of him. He grabbed me by the throat and held me up, with a sinister smile. But he didn't look like he would kill me there. He just wanted to show me that he could do it.
"Move away please." A calm voice asked. We both looked over and saw Coulson holding a gun. Loki dropped me and I fell trying to catch my breath.
"You like this? We started working on a proto-type after you sent the destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you want to find out?" Coulson asked Loki. Loki slowly made his way over to Coulson with his hands up. The gun started to warm up and then Coulson cried out. Loki had stabbed him! He had reappeared behind Coulson killing him.
"No!" Thor screamed, and I was at a loss for words. Loki stalked his way over to the button to release the cage Thor was in. I stood in between the button and Loki. I kicked Loki in the knee and he went down. He grabbed my leg, and slammed me into the ground with him. He quickly got up, pushed the button, and Thor dropped to the Earth.
Then all the sudden a fireball came from out of no where and hit Loki pushing him into another room. I rushed over to Coulson, who was breathing heavily and losing consciousness.
"So that's what that does," He whispered breathlessly.
"Coulson, shhhh. It's gonna be alright okay." I assured him trying to press my hand to his wound to try to stop the bleeding. Blood still flooded out of the wound. There was nothing I could do right now.
"I need imitate medical help by Loki's cell. Coulson is injured. I need it right now!" I ordered into my ear piece. No one communicated back.
"Hello! I need it medical now!" I yelled even harder, and my hands were wet with him blood, I couldn't focus.
"Hey, hey, stay, awake we're getting you out of here." I persisted and I tried to help him up, and move him. He groaned in pain.
"Just a few minutes we'll get you out of here." I promised him, and he tried to point at something behind me. Before I could turn and look, I felt a knife to my throat, and I was pulled me away from Coulson. Coulson groaned out in pain. I could see blood seeping out of his shirt and mouth. He was dying. I struggled with Loki, but his grip only increased.
"I'm on my way!" Fury yelled into my ear. Help was coming for Coulson.
"You're my key out of here." Loki whispered in my ear. He wanted me to get him out of here, and to use me as a hostage. He dragged me away by the hold he had on my neck and head. I watched as Coulson's head dropped a bit.
"No," I struggled trying to get myself out of the head lock.
"Stop struggling," he demanded and pulled me into an empty room.
"You're getting me out of here." He sneered. He took the scepter and placed it at my heart. It felt like a cloud was rolling over me. Darkness, a blankness entered my mind and all I could focus on was him. I tried to fight it, if I could. I tried to take him out of my mind. But all I could see was him. All I could think of was him. I had to place my focus somewhere else and rely on my sheer will power to get him out of my mind. I tried to kick him out of my head. Like closing a door in his face.
I struggled for what it felt like a few minutes, but it must have been quicker than that by the look on his face. He was surprised. The smirk that he constantly wore, faded. It dropped and he looked at me wide eyed. I was able to fight through the clouded darkness he tried to put me under. It caught him off guard.

Remember Me?
Fanfiction(Book one) When Anna Smith enrolled in the army, she was best friends with Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. She left them to follow a dream of becoming an agent. But when both died, she made the decision to become the next super soldier. Years pass as...