Chapter 2

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I spotted a gas station called The DX. I had 3 bucks left in my pockets so I decided to head there. When I stepped in I was greeted by a cute guy around my age. He flashed a smile and I thought he looked like a movie star. I walked over and got some water and a candy bar. "Just these please" I tell him. "Alright, I haven't seen you around what's your name?" The cute one asks while scanning my items and bagging them up. "My names Nora, you haven't seen me around here because I just arrived" I said with a bit of a nervous laugh. "Oh! I'm Sodapop but you can call me soda." Soda replies. "Say, are you visiting anyone?" He asks. I drop my head. "No, I don't have anywhere to stay." Then another worker came in. "Well you can stay with me and my brothers" soda suggested. The other guy made his way over to us. "Who's the broad Soda." He asks. "I ain't no broad." I snap at him. "Her names Nora she's gonna stay with me and my brothers." Soda speaks up. The guy smiles at me and says "my names Steve, I'm pretty cool." I laugh and sarcastically say "ya I bet." Soda told me I could sit around and wait for their shifts to be over so I went by the window and waited for them

Authors note: this is my first story so don't go to hard on me lol. (Steve is an ugly monkey)
Word count: 259

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