Heading to the drive in

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I waited on the couch with Pony for Johny to arrive. When Johny got there me and Pony greeted him until we made our way over to Dallas. "Hey Dal" I greeted him excitedly. "Hey Nora." He replies. "We still got some time before the movie do you guys wanna go to the lot?" He asks. Johny and Pony pipe up and scream yes. I decided I had to play it cool "ye sure, whatever." I said coolly. In reality I was so excited!
When we heading there me and Dal were walking ahead and Pony and Johny behind. I was striking up some good conversations with Dal.

Jonny's POV:

Pony was yappin about his new book he got but I tuned him out watching dal and Nora hitting it off real well. I was so jealous. I knew what I could do!

Dals POV:

Me and Nora were talking when all the sudden Johny fucking Cade came up and wrapped his arms around us both. Me and Nora looked over at each other and she let out a nervous laugh. "Hey Johny Cakes" she said in a laugh. "Hey guys" he replied.

Pony's pov:

Uhhh why'd he leave me back here.😡😡😡

Nora's pov:
Johny is ruining this moment I'm so annoyed with him right now. "Hey Johny you left Ponyboy back there..." I said. "It's okay Nora" he says  as he came and wrapped his arm around Dal "now I'm here too" he says excitedly. Dal just rolled his eyes and I could tell he was annoyed with them both.
When we reached he lot I sat between pony and dal while Johny sat by Ponyboy. Dal lit our fire as we sat there for a good hour just talking. The sky was getting dark so we decided to head over to the drive in.

Johnny's POV:
We went into the hole under the fence as always as we all went under I went to help Nora up but Dal beat me to it. When he looked back he smirked at me and I gave him a glare. He had there hands still interlocked from when he was helping her through.

Nora's pov:
I noticed Johny looking at my hands. When I looked down I saw me and dal interlocked fingers. I blushed a bright red and as much as I wanted it to last I let go.

Pony's pov:
Why are these people being so weird I'm actually gonna cryyyyyy

Word count 412

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