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Date: January 6th, 2020

Chan's POV:

We all sat in Y/n's living room. "She'll be down in a minute." Changbin said while walking down the stairs from her room. I looked over at him. "Is she sure that she wants to talk about what happened?" I asked him. Changbin nodded his head at me. "She said she want to let us know what happened so that we understand. Plus, Y/n said that she feels bad for not telling us sooner and hiding away. I hear Jeongin make a sound of discontent. "It's not her fault for reacting the way she did. I mean hell, she did what she thought was best in that moment." He said. "I'm glad you think that." We hear quietly from the steps. I looked over to see Y/n standing there. Her hair was a mess and she looked exhausted. Immediately, Minho stood up and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. "You don't have to be sorry." He tells her. I watched as she started to tear up. "But I didn't talk to you guys. Aren't you mad about that?" Y/n asked us. "Absolutely not." Hyunjin said. "We aren't mad at you at all." I chime in. "Can you tell us what happened?"

Y/n's POV:

I let Minho drag me over to the couch where they all were sitting. "Well, after I left your house, my parents had texted me, telling me that they wanted to see me." I started. "It's normal for them to do that. Every few months I go and visit them." I see all eight of my mates looking at me, encouraging me to tell them more. "Well, when I went to visit them, they noticed my hair wasn't pure white anymore, something that happened with Taehyung and Dayeon, so they demanded that I tell them why." I feel someone squeeze my hand. When I looked down, it was Felix holding it. I took a shaky breath in. "I told them that I had found my mates. They looked at me in shock and started to question me. They were mad that I had more than one mate, but they didn't yell or anything right away. They asked me to tell them what creatures my mates were. So, I did. I told them how each of my mates were different creatures. I said how I had a wolf, witch, dragon hybrid, garden nymph, vampire, fairy, puppy hybrid and a demon as mates." I explained. "Then they started to yell." I say as my voice waivered slightly. "Can you tell us what they did next Y/n?" Han asked me. I nodded my head while sniffling. "They kept yelling at me, asking how I could be mates with so many different creatures, especially a demon." I tell them. I look over at Jeongin and saw him getting angry. "They told me to tell you guys that I didn't want to be your mate, or they'd disown me." I mentioned. "I didn't want to do that, because for once in my life, everything felt nice and normal. I was finally somewhat happy." I said while crying. "So, they disowned me."

Jeongin's POV:

After Y/n said that I stood up from where I was sitting and hugged her. "It's okay Y/n. You have us and you have Taehyung and Dayeon. And we are all better than those shitty people you call parents." I whispered in her ear. She nodded her head and cried some more. "Please don't cry." I hear Seungmin say. "We'll all be here for you, forever." He said. Everyone stood up and came over to hug Y/n. "We will protect you and make sure nothing like this ever happens again." Chan said. "And besides, I think your hair looks cooler gray then it ever did white." Felix said. I watch as Y/n smiled slightly at the complement. "You really think so?" She asked. "We know so." Hyunjin added. We all sat down on the couch for a few minutes. "I have an idea." Seungmin mentions. "What's that?" Han asked. "Why don't we finally do those friendly dates with Y/n? It would be something for her to focus on and that way we can all spend one on one time with her." Seungmin says. "That's a good idea. What do you think Y/n?" Changbin asked her. I see her nod her head. "I'd like that." She said. "But how do we decide who goes first?" Y/n asked us. We all sit there thinking for a moment. "We could go back and forth between the oldest and the youngest." Minho suggested. "What do you mean by that?" Hyunjin asked. "Like ping ponging it back and forth. It would be Chan, Jeongin, Minho, Seungmin, Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin and Han." Minho explained. "I like that idea." Y/n spoke up. I nodded my head in agreement. "That works. Are you all okay with starting these dates tomorrow?" I asked. Everyone agreed. "Great, so Chan, you'll take her on the first date tomorrow."

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