Flying Lesson

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"Okay, you know what? Nothing seems to work or please you. No matter how many things I've ordered online, no matter how many massages I give you in almost every part of your body, or even my own personal saunas. What can please you for cripes sake?!" She began panting at the end.

For a long time, Skylar stood silent. Then, came out the word. The pathetic, soulless, meaningless word anyone would dare to say.


"'Oh.' 'Oh'? 'Oh' as in 'Oh my gosh you're literally right, Gidget?'"

"No. 'Oh' as in 'Oh, I really was right about you being a total waste right from the beginning.' Goodbye, Midget. I'll be hating you for the rest of my entire life."

Skylar walked away.

Gidget snorted. "Yeah! That's right! Get your feathery butt away from me!"

She looked down and scowled at her bow. "Get. Lost." She grabbed it by her teeth, violently shook it, and once she finally managed to break it and get it out of her neck, she threw it at the ground tossed dirt at it with her back paws before moving away with a growl.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~

"Guys? Where are you going?" Snowball asked as he followed a furious but silent Tiberius and a content Norman.

"We're all going home. This whole wand search has gotten out of hand." Tiberius answered.

"What? Pfft. Prove it."

"You nearly caused a poor kitten to lose all nine of his lives."

"Hey! It's not my fault he looked sketchy."

As Snowball continued to walk on, he thought he saw something moving in a nearby bush.

"Uh, guys? Look."

"What? Snowball, what could possibly be soooo-oh." Tiberius stopped once he saw the movement in the bush as well.

Snowball grinned in a vicious manner.


~•~ ~•~ ~•~

Most days, saying high to all people and pets alike was like a hobby of hers, but right now, Gidget focused on just and only on leaving everyone behind. She just wanted to go home.

As she continued walking, she noticed she was about to cross the street that exited the park, she looked both ways to make sure there was no car nearby before crossing.

That's when she saw the familiar figure of Skylar, just a few feet beside her.

No one said nothing.

Promptly, a red car came just a few feet from them, and it was getting closer fast.

"Skylar, look out!"

Without thinking, Gidget dashed towards the bird and saved her just as the burn of the car loudly rushed right beside them.

It took a while for Gidget to find her right breath, but once she did, she growled fiercely at the Ivory Gull.

"Are you literally insane? What were you thinking? Ever heard of flying before, huh?!"

Skylar glared back at her before looking at the ground. "I can't fly, okay?"

Gidget's anger promptly faded away at that. "Wait, what? Are...are you serious?"

Skylar rolled her eyes. "I never knew how." She confessed, "My owner almost never lets me go outside."

Gidget narrowed her eyes for a while, then looked nervously back at the Ivory Gull.

"Just...what if I told you that I could help you?"

"Hah!" Skylar cackled, "Really? Are you actually serious? A dog? Teaching me how to fly?"

Gidget sighed. "It's worth a shot," she explained, "you have any better idea?" Besides that, part of her really did wanted to give the idea of teaching a bird to fly a chance.

Skylar put her head down, thinking, then looked at the pomeranian and shrugged.

"Good!" Gidget squealed excitedly.

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