Although we are impatient to discover your amazing stories, we would like to have a tour of the beehive and meet all the awesome writers behind those bee-utiful stories! So, tell us in the comments:
🐝 What is the title of the story you want to submit?
🐝 Is it a newly written story especially for the Ambys, or are you dusting off old gems?
🐝 Name the top 3 genres you most prefer to write in.
🐝 If you were to write a spin-off about two characters from any of your stories, whom would you choose?
🐝 When did you start writing?
🐝 What's your biggest writing superstition?
🐝 What is your preferred writing position?
🐝 What do you do in the first 60 seconds post-story completion?
🐝 Plotter or Pantser?
🐝 When you write, do you prefer the music to be sweet and calm to relax you, or vivid to send you energy?
🐝 A drink or a snack?
Bee-ing happy requires a lot of people! So, please tag via comments:
🐝 Your Wattpad buddy
🐝 A person who gives awesome reading recommendations
🐝 A night owl who lurks at night to read
🐝 And a bee that forages during the day
🐝 Someone who's reading lists are as structured as a beehive
🐝 And the person with the most chaotic reading lists
🐝 Someone with too many works in progress!
🐝 And another with an unending list of stories to be read
🐝 A person who simply makes you happy
🐝 And the one you want to make happy
🐝 Someone who was waiting for this year's Ambys
🐝 Someone who should definitely participate
The Amby Awards 2024
RandomWelcome to the Amby Awards, where we celebrate your bee-utiful stories.