Chapter Six

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The first rays of dawn peek through the window as Father and Thales arrive, their voices buzzing with excitement. Pleasantries are exchanged, and gifts from the neighboring society are presented as I spy on them from a distance.

"A successful trade, Natania," Father beams.

"That's wonderful news," Mother replies. "Noctis has been gracious."

"Thales is eager to learn our ways," Father explains nervously, "the holy city is understanding of all."

"Indeed, God is good, and he blesses us all," Thales chimes in, a reassuring smile playing on his lips.

"Yes, God is good," Father echoes. "Where's Eden? I have a gift for her."

Mother's voice turns stern. "She's resting." It's clear she's annoyed.

"Well, ask her to come down," Father replies jovially.

"I have a strong desire to see her," Thales adds.

"That won't be possible," Mother snaps. "She's been unwell for quite some time now. Perhaps tomorrow morning."

"Natania, please," Father interrupts.

"No, please," Thales says calmly. "I understand. Rest is what she needs."

Confident and freshly changed, I descend the stairs and enter the living room.

"Ah, Eden!" Father exclaims enthusiastically. He starts to approach me for a hug before my curtsy, as usual, but stops short. His brow furrows as he examines me like an important object. I stand tall, unwavering, and meet his gaze.

"I... I don't understand," he stammers.

"Obeisance, Eden, please," Mother whispers, her eyes flicking to me. I ignore her, my focus solely on Father.

"Eden," Mother scolds, but Father raises his hand to silence her. Thales observes the scene, his brow furrowed, unsure how to react.

With deliberate slowness, I walk over to Father and perform a cool, calculated curtsy.

"Hello, Father, hello Eminence," I greet him and Thales, maintaining eye contact.

Silence hangs heavy in the air. Neither father nor Thales speaks.

"I trust your trip was successful?" I inquire, then head towards the living room, gesturing for them to be seated.

Everyone seems dumbfounded, unsure how to respond to a younger person taking charge. Nonetheless, they comply. I fetch utensils and water, serving them drinks with practiced ease.

"Here you go," I say, placing their drinks on the table. Mother is silent, but I see her chest heaving. She clutches her prayer bracelet and whispers a silent prayer. Father and Thales take their drinks and settle into their seats. I head back to the kitchen to prepare the morning meal.

Mother follows me, her steps close behind. She tries to initiate conversation, but the words seem to catch in her throat. Her breathing is shallow and controlled, her body tense and ready for action. Father and Thales, watching our every move with a mix of confusion and intrigue.

"I heard the trade talks with the Valdia society fell through," Mother ventures, trying to break the ice.

"Indeed, unfortunate," Father chimes in, looking to Thales for validation.

Mother throws Thales a sarcastic glance. "Unfortunate, is it?" she retorts.

"Tensions are rising," Father continues, hoping to change the subject. "We might need to prepare for conflict soon. Luckily, they've started allowing women in the military. More fighters."

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