Chapter Seven

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Thales brushes against my leg as he settles beside me. "You're quite the quiet observer at dinner last week," he remarks.

"I'm absorbing everything," I counter, meeting his gaze. "Eager to learn, as you say."

A thin smile plays on his lips. "Indeed. Your father entrusted you to my care, and I won't disappoint. He'll receive a glowing report of your progress."

I rise and walk to the window, bathed in the warm glow of the sunrise. Mother always said it was proof of Cielis' existence – such beauty couldn't be a coincidence. The golden light streams through the large window, animating the paintings on the wall. It feels as if the ancestors themselves watch us with a faint gleam. The white walls reflect the light, highlighting the lavish gold furniture – a stark contrast to the sun's natural elegance.

"Quite the accommodations, wouldn't you say?" Thales drawls, gesturing around the room. "I like to travel in comfort."

"Mother mentioned Lux forgave a debt in exchange for building this," I say, turning back to him.

He chuckles, a dismissive sound. "Politics, my dear. Not a concern for a young lady like you."

My temperature rises. "Is it because I'm young, a lady, or simply because I question?"

His smile falters. "Don't be difficult, child." He gestures for me to return to the bed. "Now, how do you like my quarters?"

I survey the opulent surroundings. "They are impressive," I concede. "Will you be returning to Lux soon?"

"No," he replies, a hint of restlessness in his voice. "I find a nomadic lifestyle more appealing. New places, new experiences – that's what keeps life interesting. Once a place becomes predictable, it loses its charm."

A spark of recognition ignites within me. "That sounds familiar," I murmur.

"In what way?" he queries.

"People become tedious when they're predictable," I explain. "They obsess over trivialities, their conversations lack depth, and their opinions are confined by societal norms. I loathe the rigid rules that govern relationships. I yearn to learn, explore, and create – that's how I forge genuine connections. By offering a new perspective, a way of living outside the norm."

"I suppose we have that in common" he responds, "but my dear, grandiosity is something you will need to learn to temper in your interactions in order to be better able to function within a social context."

We leave for the prayer building, Thales leading the way with an air of practiced piety. The air crackles with a different kind of energy here – a quiet reverence that permeates the small, sturdy structure. Built with local materials and designed with a humble elegance, it offers a stark contrast to the opulent comfort of Thales's quarters.

After Thales washes himself in preparation for the prayer session, he takes his place at the front of the room, his hands clasped together in front of him as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. The men begin to file in, each one taking a seat and bowing their heads in reverence, while the women gather at the back of the room for their own prayer session.

As he begins to speak, his voice is soft but clear, speaking of love, of forgiveness, and of the importance of community in the pursuit of a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

He then calls out to one of the congregation members,

"Owezo, God has revealed to me that you have been holding something back from him. You are dedicated to him in so many areas but there is one thing you are holding back. He hasn't told me the nature of this thing you have been holding back but he only asks me to tell you this: He Knows. He loves you. And if you are ready to invite him into this one thing that you've been trying to hide from him, he offers his commitment that he will empower you to overcome the struggles you've been having and wash away your shame." He pauses. "Owezo, are you ready to invite God into this thing you have kept from him? To accept his love and his offer to accept this one thing you have held back so that you can be fully set apart for his purpose?"

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