Chapter Ten

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"Time for another game," I say to Norah as I tighten my bow to shoot at my target. Norah, as usual, perched on a log, whittling away at a stray stick she'd picked up on the walk. Security around the military training grounds had indeed tightened, but not enough to deter me. Perhaps my presence was a known secret, tolerated because I remained on the fringes, unseen. Maybe they couldn't officially ask me to enroll without having graduated from the Ruki. Whatever the reason, I am happy for the opportunity.

"Really?" Norah asks, pausing her whittling to look up. "With the tighter security, Eden, I wouldn't be surprised if nobody shows up for your scavenger hunt this time."

"Then you get the grand prize all to yourself!" I reply with a chuckle, knocking another arrow on my practice bow. An unusual energy buzzes through me today. A scavenger hunt seems like the perfect outlet – a chance to spread some joy and keep myself occupied. "Besides, the real fun is in the giving, wouldn't you agree?"

Norah pouts, a playful glint in her eyes. "Winning alone isn't exactly thrilling, though."

"Come on, it can't be that bad," I say, nocking another arrow. "I saw Byer at the market with her mother yesterday, and she seemed perfectly happy to chat with me. You've got your new chores partner too, that makes three participants."

Norah hesitates, then blurts out, "Fatia... doesn't exactly like you."

"Wait," I stop to look at her, "that is who they paired you with? No wonder you are so down lately."

A small, humorless chuckle escapes Norah's lips. "And by the sounds of things, the feeling's mutual."

I sigh,"fine, fine. Let's see if I can smooth things over. Talk to her, you know, girl to girl."

Norah raises a skeptical eyebrow, "uhm yeah, like that's going to happen."

"It will," I say with a confident smirk. A cold certainty settles over me. A well-placed performance of empathy and understanding – I know exactly what Fatia craves. Her intended after the Ruki, one of my most loyal buyers, constantly complains about her neediness. Turning her into an ally, even a confidante, wouldn't be difficult. Perhaps even a flicker of something more... but that territory was fraught with complications. Losing a valuable buyer over a stupid affair is simply not an option.

"Maybe we can adjust the rules this time," I suggest, a mischievous glint returning to my eyes. "Solo competition, instead of teams. Winner takes all."

Norah's eyes widen slightly. "What if I lose?"

I wink. "Let's just say I have a feeling you're a lot sharper than both Byer and Fatia combined."

"Where do you find these amazing things for the hunts, anyway?" Norah asks, a hint of curiosity replacing her earlier skepticism.

"A girl has her secrets," I reply with a sly grin.

The scavenger hunt buzzes with more energy than Norah and I anticipated. These events always drew a small group, and I, with my usual charisma, have a knack for attracting participants. The prize is especially exciting – a bolt of soft, blue silk I'd acquired in a recent trade. It wasn't quite the bullet I'd hoped for from Zig, but hey, a deal's a deal. In exchange, I got a stone - perfect for that knife I'm crafting for Father's birthday- and this beautiful fabric.

"Alright, everyone gather around!" I call out to the eleven eager faces before me, seven girls and four guys. A low murmur of protest ripples through the group as they notice the boys. The prize is coveted by some of the girls for their Ruki graduation wear.

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