I'm Sorry... HOW OLD?!?!

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The outfits in the video are the outfits they change into and are wearing when they come back. And yes, they were actually on Jimmy Kimmel.

Mala's POV

I was suddenly woken up from bunch of water on my face. I glared at Cerise, who was, obviously, the culprit. She literally just tried to hide the bucket of water behind her back and pointed to Ramona. "You're lucky I was having a nightmare." I mumbled before noticing that Sandy was sleeping on my chest. "God, she can sleep through anything. Come on, we have to get ready." Ready for what, you ask? The Jimmy Kimmel show, of course.

We went to Ramona's room and put on our clothes and makeup. You see, her room, specifically her closet, acts as a portal from there to wherever we need to be. We walked into her closet and arrived in the entrance of the El Capitan Entertainment Center.

Time skip~ brought to you by reasons. Yes. Reasons are good.

"Shh... remember we have to be very- OUCH GODDAMN ALEJANDRA THAT WAS MY FOOT!!!" Sure Pau, quiet... not. And now everyone's awake. Great.

"Where are you going, dressed like that?" Apple asked. "A nightclub?" She sarcastically added.

"Oh, actually that sounds- I mean that we just came back from nunya business." Pau 'corrected' herself after Ale slapped the back of her head. I laughed nervously, feeling the tension in the air. "Say... is it ok if I use your shower real quick Raven? I just had a really intense workout and smell terrible."

"Yeah, fine by me." Raven replied, checking her phone. "But before you do... why'd you call Ramona 'Alejandra'?"

"Oh... uh... because... of... reasons... yes. Reasons." She smiled innocently before rushing into the bathroom and slamming the door.

Ale went to grab spare clothes from her bag, even though they were too big for Pau, they would have to work. "Dios mío... Esa chica es una completa idiota..." she complained. She threw the clothes to the door of the bathroom and yelled, "you forgot clothes!" Pau peeked her head out of the doorway sheepishly and grabbed the clothes.

"¡Gracias!" She slammed the door again. After that, everyone got involved with their own activities. Justine and Ale were listening to music, Faybelle and Raven were talking, the princesses were swooning over Daring, and Sandy was sleeping. As for me, I was already writing new lyrics for songs. Yes, I know KMF just came out today, but I can't help it.

Once Pau came out with the clothes that Ale gave her, Briar spoke up. "So, I have another idea. Since it's the weekend, and we don't have any classes tomorrow... how about we have a double sleepover? I mean, we barely did anything last time, so why not have another one?" Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"What's going on?" Sandy yawned, finally waking up. We explained the situation to her and she said that she thought it was a good idea as well.

"Well, how about truth or dare? It would be a great way to get to know each other on deeper levels." Apple suggested, and everyone agreed to it. "Alright, I'll start. Let's see... Ramona, truth or dare?"

"I'm scared of what you have in store for the dare's, so I'll do truth."

"Alright... what is your favorite hobby?" Apple asked.

"Playing my bass. Obviously." Ale rolled her eyes and adjusted her position so that Justine is sitting in her lap. "But looking good while playing it makes it way better." Almost everyone had a look of surprise on their face, while a few didn't. "Ok... so, I go next?" Apple nodded. "Alright." She looked around, before landing on me. Oh no. "Mmmmmmala, truth or dare?"

"Uh... I'd prefer truth." I chuckled nervously.

"How old are you?"

I tightened my lips. "A-R-Ramona, se supone que no debemos hablar de eso." I tried to convince her to not go through with it, but I could tell she wasn't going to let it go. "Fine. I'm twenty four years old."

"I'm sorry... HOW OLD?!?!" Apple screamed.

If anyone saw this within the first ten minutes of it being published and noticed that a part got taken out, then that's because I moved that part to the next chapter.

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