Stuff Happens!

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Mala's POV

"Yep, twenty four. The DFRS will keep you there until you agree to sign the Storybook of Legends, and then they send you back to your second year." I lied. Well, not really. That's actually true, but that's not the reason why I'm twenty four and in my second year of high school. I was just worried sick for my sisters and decided to lie about QOTMS being a real fairy tale. "Anyways, Cerise, truth or dare?"

"Dare." She said with no hesitation.

"Ok. I dare you to... prank call Rudy." Her face immediately went from confident to terrified. "And put it on speaker."

"You have got to be kidding... fine, fine." She pulled out her phone and dialed Rudy's number.

"Hola Paulina, ¿como esta-"

"Hi, would you like to become a worshipper of The Warning?"

"What? Eh, Paulina, are you drunk?"

"No? Oh, that's too bad. Goodbye." She hung up before Rudy could say anything else and we all burst into laughter.

"Paulina! Rudy is going to kill you!" I said once I had stopped laughing.

"Can you tell please explain who Rudy is?" Apple asked, forcing a tight smile.

"Oh, he's our friend, who's also Hunter's dad." I explained, causing Apple to almost faint. (Un)fortunately, Briar caught her before her head could hit the ground. "Wow, and I thought I was dramatic. I'll explain our relationship later."

"Ok, um, so, I'm going to pick... Sandy! Truth or dare?"

"Let's do... dare." Sandy smiled, seemingly innocent, but I could see the mischief behind her eyes.

"Alright... I dare you to..." Pau smirked. "Paint the door to Madame Yaga's office rainbow."

Sandy smiled. "Alright." She closed her eyes and open them a couple minutes later. "Done." Soon, we heard a scream. "Uh oh..."

Sandy's POV

Oh, I did not think this through. Madame Yaga will probably use a spell to see who was around, and when she finds no one, she'll know it was me, because I'm the only student who can actually do long distance 'magic.' "Um... ok... truth or dare..." before I could decide who I wanted to torture-I mean choose, we heard a knock at the door.

"Miss Man, may I talk to you for a minute?" I nodded and got up to follow Madame Yaga out of the room. "I'm guessing you were the one who painted my door the colors of the rainbow?" I nodded again. "Well, thank you. I've always thought that our school could use more diversity, so thank you. I'm a proud pansexual myself, so it was really fitting."

"Um, you're welcome?" She dismissed me and I went back into the room. "It wasn't that bad..." I murmured to no one in particular. "So, can we just pretend like nothing happened?" Apple nodded, so I looked around the room until my eyes landed on Faybelle. "Faybelle, truth or dare?"

"Dare. I ain't a scaredy cat."

I started to think of a dare. "I dare you to sing Bad Guy by Billie Eilish." Her face turned murderous.

"Fine." She said after a moment. She started singing and... I'm sorry... what?!?! She sounds just like Billie Eilish! "So, surprised you have a good singer in your midst?" Pau (yes I know their secret) snorted and it was obvious that Ale was trying her hardest to not laugh, while Apple (and some of the other princesses) just looked awfully offended.

"Hey, I have the best voice here!" Apple claimed. Almost everyone went quiet at that. "What? It's true, since I am the daughter of Snow White. So it's only natural that I have the best voice and looks."

"Actually, I'm going to have to give both of those trophies to Ramona." Pau spoke up, which surprised me. I always thought that she would claim that she had the best voice and looks. "She doesn't even like to sing, but she still does when she needs to. And she's a natural beauty without makeup. Literally looks like Snow White, but like, prettier. Like, way prettier."

Ale's face got more red with every word that came out of Pau's mouth. And I agreed with all of them. "Yeah." I gasped in realization of what I could do. I whispered in Faybelle's ear on who and what she should do.

She nodded. "Ramona! I dare you to take off your makeup and sing Hunter! Apple, don't question it."

Ale let out a small groan, but took out her makeup remover wipes and handed them to Justine, who started to take Ale's makeup off. Once it was off Ale threw the used wipes away. "I can't believe I'm about to do this."

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