Forced together

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Once Scott left, Taylor and Travis stood in awkward silence, looking at each other and then down at their clasped hands. Disgusted, Taylor yanked her hand away, her face twisted in disdain.

"Back off," she snapped, her voice dripping with irritation. She took a step back, putting distance between them.

Travis, taken aback by her hostility, sighed deeply. He could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He didn't want to be here any more than she did, but he knew they had to make the best of it. They both took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed, the silence between them thick and uncomfortable.

Taylor rummaged through her purse, her fingers shaking slightly from the adrenaline and frustration. She finally pulled out a box of cigarettes, tapping it on her palm a few times before extracting one. She lit it with a small silver lighter, inhaling deeply and savoring the brief moment of calm it brought her.

Travis watched her from the corner of his eye, his disapproval clear. His jaw clenched as he saw the smoke curl up from her lips. He shifted slightly, turning his body away from her, trying to mask his discomfort. "Really?" he thought. "A cigarette, right now?"

The silence stretched on, heavy and oppressive. Unable to stand it any longer, Taylor decided to break it. "So, are you like my dad?" she asked, her tone flat and suspicious. "Do you believe in controlling people, in punishing them for not doing what you want?"

Travis felt a flicker of indignation. "No, I'm not like that at all," he replied defensively. "I'm a lawyer. I believe in justice and fairness."

Taylor nodded slightly, still not looking at him. "Since I'm your wife now," she said, extending her hand without facing him, "I'm Taylor." She took a puff of her cigarette, exhaling the smoke slowly.

Travis looked at her hand and then at her face, which remained turned away. He took her hand and shook it. "I'm Travis Kelce," he said, pausing before adding, "and I don't smoke. The smell of it bothers me."

Taylor smirked at his comment. She deliberately moved the cigarette from her left hand to her right, making it closer to him. She took another drag and then blew the smoke directly in his direction, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Well, Travis Kelce," she said with a hint of sarcasm, "looks like you're going to have to get used to a lot of things."

Travis recoiled slightly, his frustration growing. He clenched his fists, trying to keep his composure. "Great," he thought, "not only am I stuck in this mess, but she's going to make it as difficult as possible."

Taylor, meanwhile, felt a small sense of satisfaction at his discomfort. "If I have to suffer through this, so will he," she thought.

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