Chapter 7

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I walked to school today, and James told Tyler to accompany me.

I can't walk her back home; I've got my writers club today." He looked at me. If you're interested in joining, I'm sure you'd like it, and so would the group."

"Does it cost anything?" I asked.

"No." Tyler smiled. You show up."  I nodded, feeling like I could use some new friends.

"I'll think about it," I said, Looking at Tyler as we walked away from the house.

I heard Angel's voice, and I spun around, only to remember that she was dead. Tears filled my eyes as I kept walking and hearing her voice.

"Blossom?" a voice asked me during creative writing class. It was my teacher, Nancy, who was Angel's mother. She looked exactly like Angel, but her voice was different.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I need to ask you something after class today." She smiled softly. You're not in trouble, so don't worry." I nodded.

I'm not worried about trouble; I'm just concerned about another thing, i thought as the bell rang. Tyler nodded reassuringly as he left.

"You and my daughter were in a relationship, correct?" She asked gently.

"Yes, Nancy," I said meekly,

 "Please don't be embarrassed." She smiled. Despite everything you did, Angel said you were a good person, and your brother said the same thing. 

As we talked briefly about Angel, her images flashed in my mind, and tears came down my face. 

"You should go to your next class; I don't want you to be late." she smiled gently. 

"Yes, Nancy. Thank you." I smiled. As the rest of the day dragged on, I went to Tyler's writing club to take my mind off things, mainly with Angel.

"Blossom, I'm glad you decided to show up." he smiled. 

"Yeah," I smiled back, sitting on my own. I texted James and told him I'd be here." 

"who's James?" one girl asked me.  

"My brother," I said, not wanting to say he was my legal guardian right out of the gate.

"He is her guardian as well," Tyler said. 

"dude!" I said. I looked at him, blushing with embarrassment.

"What?" he asked, "I find it very noble of him." 

The others nodded, agreeing, "Captain Marigold is a nice man, although he can sometimes be slightly strict. Is he like that with you?"

He's slightly strict, very kind, and way too protective." I smile,  showing the others a drawing from my manga. 

"This is an example of him being angry; the foam is just for humor.    I plan to have the volume published." 

The others laughed loudly.

"oh my god, I can see him doing this!" one boy, John, cracked up."

"me too!" said his twin sister, Jane.

Brendon was also part of the group, and he chuckled softly as he saw the image and the words, "I expect a full explanation tomorrow morning!" in a speech bubble.

"nice." he grinned. "But does James know?" 

"No, should he?" I asked, but I'm not using his name.  or  occupation." 

"but don't you think he should?" he asked. 

"I doubt it." I smiled.

"I think he should," he said, standing up. 

"what the hell, Brendon, why?!" I asked as the meeting ended.

"because he has been taking care of you, and  if you're dedicating a character after a living or deceased person, they should be acknowledged."   Brendon smiled.

"I never thought of it like that, but what if I don't like the person?" I asked, getting up and walking out with Tyler.

"Then don't acknowledge them," he said, "but I know you care for Captain Marigold." 

I walked up to Saint Paul's chapel and said, "I need to do something fast." 

They nodded and joined me. 

I walked inside the confession booth and said, "I can't believe I'm doing this again, but I screwed up." I took a deep breath and said, "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I haven't been entirely truthful with my brother, James." there was silence for a moment before a voice said, 

"my child, confess your sin, and you will be forgiven." it was James.

Shit. I thought. I took a deep breath, pretending it was a different person on the other side. I said, "Well, it's about the list I made for my brother. Regarding all  of the screwups I did while I was homeless, there were some I didn't add." 

I could feel his breath freeze. Now, he realized it was me. 

 "I did some other services; I am trying to improve. And the past is coming to haunt me, literally.   Andre's gang is still after me." I proceeded to tell him the services I had left out.  I said, "I'm dedicating a manga character after you, James." 

I left the confession booth, where Tyler and Brendon waited outside the chapel. We walked home. 

I heard James enter the house several hours later. I couldn't sleep, so I stayed up, writing my manga. 

 "Are you sure your sister won't mind us dating?" a voice asked. 

"I'd be surprised if she were awake at this hour," James's voice said softly. The door creaked open, and I slumped on the chair, relaxing my body. I almost fell asleep.  

"She must've stayed up writing." he smiled, placing a blanket on me. As I tried to wake up, I found myself slipping into unconsciousness. 

"goodnight sis." I heard him whisper.

 I heard myself say, "Night, James." in a groggy voice. 

He turned to look at me, smiled, and said, "I love you." then my eyes closed.

Blossoming under the shadows- book 1:  Blossom & brotherWhere stories live. Discover now