6. the plan

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Anya's POV:

After a productive afternoon of sketching designs in my home studio, I gathered my portfolio and notes, ready for the meeting. As I headed out to my car, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. This business deal could be a significant step forward.

Sliding into the driver's seat, I started the engine and took a deep breath. The city buzzed with evening activity as I made my way to the restaurant, the neon lights blurring into streaks of color against the twilight sky.

Arriving at the restaurant, I parked and took a moment to steady myself. The elegant facade was imposing, but I pushed through the heavy wooden door and into the inviting warmth of the interior. The maître d' greeted me warmly and led me through the bustling dining area to a private room in the back.

I entered the room, taking in the tasteful decor and the quiet ambiance. I settled into a chair, smoothing my dress and arranging my portfolio on the table. A few minutes later, Mr. Miller arrived, his presence immediately comforting.

"Anya, it's great to see you," he said, extending a hand.

"Likewise, Mr. Miller," I replied, shaking his hand and returning his smile.

We settled into our seats and ordered a bottle of wine. As we sipped our drinks, Mr. Miller began outlining his vision for our collaboration, his enthusiasm contagious.

After settling into the private room with Mr. Miller, we exchanged pleasantries and began discussing the potential collaboration. We ordered a bottle of wine and chatted about our shared passion for fashion design. The conversation was engaging and comforting, and I felt my nerves ease slightly.

A short while later, Mrs. Kensington arrived. She was an imposing figure, with a commanding presence that immediately drew attention. She greeted us warmly, though I sensed a hint of reservation in her demeanor.

"Anya, Mr. Miller," she said, taking her seat. "Thank you for meeting with me."

"It's a pleasure, Mrs. Kensington," I replied, trying to gauge her mood.

We dove into the discussion, presenting my designs and outlining the vision for the collaboration. As I spoke, I could see a flicker of interest in her eyes, but there was also something else-hesitation.

When I finished my presentation, Mrs. Kensington leaned back slightly and took a sip of her wine. She glanced at Mr. Miller, then back at me.

"Anya, your work is impressive," she began, her tone measured. "However, I've recently come across another proposal that aligns more closely with our current direction."

I felt a lump form in my throat, but I forced a smile. "I see. May I ask what specifically led you to this decision?"

She sighed softly. "It's not about your talent or your vision. It's purely a strategic choice for the brand. I believe this other partnership will provide a better fit for our upcoming projects."

I nodded, trying to keep my disappointment in check. "I understand. Thank you for considering my proposal."

Mrs. Kensington offered a sympathetic smile. "I truly am sorry, Anya. I have no doubt you'll find great success elsewhere. Your designs are exceptional."

With that, the meeting concluded. Mrs. Kensington left, and Mr. Miller and I sat in silence for a moment. I could feel the weight of the rejection pressing down on me, but I knew I had to keep moving forward.

Mr. Miller placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Don't let this discourage you, Anya. There are plenty of other opportunities out there."

I nodded, grateful for his support. "Thank you, Mr. Miller. I won't give up."

As I left the restaurant, the cool evening air felt like a wake-up call. I knew this was just a setback, not the end. I would find another way to showcase my designs and prove myself in the fashion world.

After the disappointing meeting with Mrs. Kensington, I walked out of the restaurant, feeling the sting of rejection. The cool evening air did little to alleviate the frustration bubbling within me. I got into my car, started the engine, and began the drive home, my mind racing with thoughts of what had gone wrong.

Just as I was trying to process everything, my phone rang. I glanced at the screen and saw the name I dreaded: Mr. Archer. My grip on the steering wheel tightened. I answered the call, bracing myself for whatever he had to say.

"Hello, Anya," his cold, familiar voice greeted me.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I hear you had a little disappointment today," he said, his tone dripping with smug satisfaction. "I thought you'd like to know that it was my doing. I made sure Mrs. Kensington found a 'better' deal."

My heart sank. Of course, it was him. "Why are you doing this?" I demanded. "What do you gain from ruining my life?"

"Just a reminder of what I can do if you don't stay away from Ryan and leave this place," he replied. "I warned you, Anya. I won't let you disrupt my plans."

"You can't control everything," I snapped back. "I'll find another way."

He chuckled, a sinister sound that made my skin crawl. "You can try, but you'll find that my reach is long, and my influence is strong. Don't test me. Leave, or there will be more consequences."

The line went dead, leaving me with the cold silence of my car. I pulled over to the side of the road, my hands shaking. The anger and fear were almost overwhelming. How could one man wield so much power and cruelty?

But I knew I couldn't let him win. I had to think of a way to fight back, to protect those I cared about and to reclaim my life. Mr. Archer might have won this round, but I wasn't done yet.

Ryan's POV:

I sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the engagement ring on my nightstand. The looming engagement with Tanya felt like a noose tightening around my neck, a constant reminder of the twisted control Mr. Archer held over us. But tonight, we had a plan. We were finally going to take a stand.

A soft knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts. I opened it to find Tanya and Alex standing there, both looking determined.

“Come in,” I said, closing the door behind them.

Tanya stepped in first, her usual confidence radiating from her. “We need to make sure we’re ready. Tonight is our best chance.”

I nodded, glancing at Alex. “Do you have everything we need?”

Alex’s expression was serious. “I’ve got the keycard and the device to disable the security cameras. We’ll have a short window to get in and find what we need.”

Tanya sat on the edge of the bed, crossing her arms. “We can’t afford any mistakes. If we fail, we’re stuck in this nightmare for good.”

I joined her, feeling a little steadier in her presence. “We’ve planned this too carefully to fail now.”

Alex pulled a small device from his pocket. “This will take care of the cameras. Once we’re inside, we need to be quick. We’re looking for anything that can expose Mr. Archer’s operations.”

Tanya leaned forward, her eyes sharp. “Remember, we’re doing this for more than just ourselves. Mr. Archer has hurt a lot of people. We need to bring him down.”

We went over the plan one last time, ensuring we all knew our roles. Tanya and Alex would enter Mr. Archer’s office while I kept an eye out for any signs of trouble. If all went well, we’d finally have the evidence we needed to take him down.


Here's the next chapter... I know it's short but I tried to write as much as I could. My exams are finally finished and then, I went to my friend's house so it was very hard for me to write.

But from now on I will update frequently.

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