Zypher Files (NSFW)

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\\ The male listened to her soft elegant voice as she spoke, his red eyes gazed at the female's benevolently for a moment but the expression on his face quickly changed, and a smile could be seen growing on his face. Walking over to Mary as he stood there. Silence filled the air for a moment after she spoke, slurping noises could be heard as he drank his beverage, and set the glad down. His large rough reaching for the surface that she was sitting on, approaching her slowly, as he walked to her, and looked directly up at the lady for a moment since she was kinda taller than him for the time being sitting there. Gazing into her eyes, his red pupils staring her up and down noticing her attire being lingerie in the middle of the night with nothing but a candle next to her and a glass of milk in a hand, reaching for her cheek in hopes of touching her if successful his warm digit would have rubbed against her plump lip in a teasing manner just for a mere moment. He had removed his hand afterward, slamming it gently down onto the counter beside her thigh the opposite side of the other appendage practically leaving her trapped with nowhere to go but forward into his warm embrace. "Now exactly what miserable thoughts you might be thinking missy? I thought someone like you would have been receiving all the attention but again the saying has proven me wrong, to never judge a book by its cover ya know? But then again it's also proven me right cause you're not a bad person either. Seems like you just wish for a bit of company at this time of night huh? Well looks like you're in luck 'cause you have my company." //

-Mary looked down to Zypher red gaze that looked into her own green alluring eyes. Her eyes looked sharp, yet underneath, tired and in need of something more. She had a smile on her face still. Her cold hands becoming colder now due to having no more warm milk in her small mug. Her dainty fingers held the mug delicately yet firmly. Her palms wrapped around it though not fully due to being small in size. Mary always had a problem with feeling cold. Her pale skin reflected just how she felt and looked. She looked almost ghostly, and her constant appearences in one place did hint at that. Although it was really just a need for routine.
She watched as he approached her. Curious as to what he will do or say to her. Maybe about her appearence? Or perhaps about why she was up at such an late hour. Even in silence she felt attracted to him. Wanting to learn whatever more she could from him.
She watched him as he finally arrived beside her with his drink. Noticing his wandering eyes examining her soft curvy body made her blush pink lightly across her cheeks and nose. Yet she still kept eye contact the best she could.
Her black lingerie hugged her body perfectly. Covering just enough to hide what mattered, leaving your mind to imagine the rest. The candle light fluttered, creating a sort of uneasy atmosphere while also being soothing and relaxing while constant. It only mattered just how much movement was going on. If anyone were to move too quickly it would probably be blown away into smoke and fill the room with only mere moonlight for the rest of the night. The temporary light that was here lit her skin up with a warm hue. She even looked as though she was shining in it, almost as though she was covered in oil. It made her look beautiful. Something which she loved very much.
She flinched a bit from the sudden noise, and reached to her face, closing her eyes then looking away slowly with sudden unease. Only to hear your warm tone speak to her softly. She opened one eye to peek at you cautiously listening to your words and thinking up a reply.-

Just the thoughts of being alone till im 95, that ill never find a man to take care of me and love me for who I am. Never being able to truely show my love to just one man by being his loyal wife. Cooking for him, cleaning for him, pleasing him every night to show my appreciation, taking care of the home he provides me with. It scares me to know im 34 yet ive never been once considered a wife to anyone.
Now im older and less attractive to many men. Most already being taken by now or having much more experience with love then I do. Id happily give my all to whoever gave me a second chance past the few dates and short visits to my bedroom. I want to feel what it is to truely be loved and to love.
These small conversations ive had with the few that are awake with me at such times have helped me greatly. I do love to learn and understand everything about others. It intruiges me to know that everyone is living their own lives. I simply want to share my own to someone as well in hopes that someone will see me as I see them.
But for now atleast I do have you to talk to and keep these thoughts at calm. And for that I thank you for spending your precious time with an older lady like me.”

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