Chapter 3- Naomi

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My name is Naomi Anderson. My family has been through generations of slavery, racism, and discrimination and has worked hard to get to the place we are now. My mother overcame countless challenges to become the life-saving doctor she is today. My father worked diligently and ignored other people's comments about him to become the persuasive lawyer he is today. I have studied hard and have set expectations higher to become the young woman I am today. I plan to get into college and major in law, just like my father.

But all my plans came crashing down the day I got shot.

We already went over how, and what happened, and now it's time to talk about the aftermath. The grass was a light green, the trees light pink, and the sky was the most wonderful shade of blue I had ever seen. But the color scheme was nothing compared to the magnificent castle in the distance.

"I see you've noticed my grand palace." A sudden voice behind me spoke and I turned around to meet her eyes then I noticed her pointy ears. Was she an elf? I tried to speak, but my lips were still sewn together. "Oh my dear..." She placed a comforting hand on my cheek. "How cruel. You aren't the one I was supposed to receive yet they still hurt you. Here, let me help you."

The woman then began to gently weave the metal through my lips until they were finally freed. The first words out of my mouth were, "The one you were supposed to receive?" My voice was shaky, I was unable to ground myself after literally getting shot in the head.

"Don't worry about it!" The woman pulled me up and led me through the forest. Thousands of thoughts ran through my head. How do I know if I can trust this woman? Where am I? How am I walking and thinking? Is the bullet still in my head or did it get removed?

Then I looked up and saw humanoid forms flying to the sky with wings, bird wings. I could have wings in this world? Wait if there is a castle, then that means there's a kingdom to rule over, and said the kingdom is bound to have crimes, and then they need lawyers.

Okay so new, but kind of similar life plan. Figure out how this world works, learn the laws of this kingdom, find out the requirements to become a lawyer in this world, and become a lawyer. It's a different setting, and a completely new world, but that won't get in my way.

Everything went by in a blur. One second I was being brought through the palace the next I was offered a bath I obviously accepted it. Being clean feels amazing, and royal baths are nothing less than luxury. The elf servants placed me in some more appropriate clothes and took my measurements for future clothes. Once I was dressed and dried I was brought into a mystical room.

The ceilings were glass, the view was one of the stars, yet it was the middle of the day. Crystals lined the walls and the floor was a hologram of the ocean. I was led into the middle of the room where the woman, who I learned was the Queen, stood, and next to her were her three sons. All of them shared rich brown hair and tan skin, and their eyes were dark brown. The youngest seemed to be around my age, sixteen, the other boys were older.

The Queen spoke, "Naomi, welcome. Currently, you are a human, and humans do not belong in this world. They struggle and fight against the forces of this world, mainly Sethos who try to curse them. But we can protect you. Sebastian, show her our gift." She called her oldest son who brought a box and opened it in front of me. Inside were elf ears. "If you put those on you will become an elf. You will belong to this world."

These will help me achieve my dream. Without a second thought, I grabbed the ears and put them on. The queen smiled and made a signal for me to leave. I followed the servants and was taken to a chamber.

When I was left alone I lay down on the bed and began to relax

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