4 - A New Friend - Anna

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When I finish lacing up my black combat boots, I hug Pearl, my younger sister, and head out. I made sure to leave enough food for her and she knows that she can sell our plants for more.

At the market, I haggle with Marla, the owner of the adventure supply store.

"Twenty sarens." Marla says.

"No way. Twelve!" I counter.

"Fifteen, final offer" She says.

"Fine," I say while handing her sarens. I take the supplies and put them in my pack. I check my watch. Ten thirty am. "Bye," I say with a wave before racing out to meet up with everyone.

We had decided to split up and buy everything we needed. I was tasked with getting rope, tents, and tools. Gwen is getting the food and water. The boys are getting maps and miscellaneous items. Even though we leave at eleven am, getting ready will take a while.

I put my foot on the rocky terrain and make sure I'm balanced. I find a small nook and put my hand there. I look down and see Gwen struggling. She's wearing white heeled boots that are having a hard time finding places to hang on to. She keeps going anyway. Mark my words, those boots are going to be caked in mud by the time we come back.

Now on flat land, we follow a path up the mountain. It wraps around and it's very rocky. One wrong step and you'll be sent plummeting down, hitting every rock you'll want to avoid. I make sure that all the steps I take are carefully chosen. Owen seems focused on the map while Max is jumping on large rocks.

"Max, stop it. You're going to fall." Gwen tells him.

"I'll be fine," Max says. "Look." He balances on one foot and sticks his tongue out at Gwen. She puts her hands on her hips.

"Max, stop being a crantroll and get down from there." Gwen says. A crantroll is somebody that's being annoying or mean.

"Gwen, stop being such a toad holder. You're not my mother" Max says. A toad holder is somebody that's entitled or overprotective of something. "But fine, if it'll calm you down then I'll get down." He says, stepping off the rocks. "Happy?"

"Very," Gwen says, matter of factly. The path splits into two and we all look at Owen who is looking at the map.

"Left or right?" I ask.

"Left." He says, moving to the left. We follow him and continue on the path. He goes back to studying the map while I look up at the peak. You can clearly see the opening where the Hollow Witch lives. It looks unnerving.

"Creepy, isn't it," Gwen says, reading my thoughts.

"Yep," I say. A yelp hits my ears. We run to the edge and see Owen holding onto a ledge. The map is held in his left hand. "Hold on!" I yell at him.

"No, I'm going to cook a five-star meal!" He yells back. I take some rope out of my pack and tie it to a rock. It seems secure enough.

"Grab on!" I throw the rope down near him.

He reaches for it. He grabs it with his left hand making sure he still has the map. He moves his right hand away from the ledge and reaches for the rope. The rope slips off the rock and he starts falling again, still holding onto the rope.

I lunge forward and grab the end of the rope. Gwen grabs my feet and she pulls me up. She grabs some of the rope and helps me pull Owen up. Max runs over and tries to help us but he trips and drops the rope. But then he knocks into me and I drop the rope. And like every domino effect, I knock into Gwen which makes her drop the rope. Then I jump off the cliff and reach for the rope but Gwen grows some vines and grabs my feet.

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