Feelers for the books I was yapping about

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This is for the first mentioned book which is called "Dreams and Nightmares"

Kayla strayed from Vivienne's clear cut path, only for a moment. She just wanted to feel the sun on her skin. To recharge. She stepped into a muddy puddle, the squelch it made like nails on a chalkboard to Kayla. When she went to pull her foot out, it wouldn't come. It was like vines had wrapped around and were pulling on her. But when she relaxed, the vines disappeared. She repositioned her free foot and tried again but nothing happened. Moving to get a better position, her free foot entered the mud.

She was worried now. This wasn't something she could just get out of, this was a trap of somesort. Her voice struggled to come back as sweat from the bolstering heat pelted Kayla. Beads of sweat merged with the viscous liquid as Kayla tried to get out. It was now at the middle of her shins. Her throat tightened as she fought to hide tears. She would not cry, she wouldn't let herself. She called for Vivienne the second she found her voice. Vivienne, who was far ahead, heard the noise and called back. But Kayla couldn't respond or lead Vivienne to her because her voice was gone. Stolen by the stars as they prepared to transport the rest of her soul there when she died. When she was swallowed by this horrid liquid.

Vivienne found Kayla who was now up to her knees in mud. Was it truly mud or another liquid? Guilt piled up in Vivienne as she watched Kayla struggle. She knew that quicksand would be an issue but she made a path, she made sure to avoid it. How had Kayla found it? Why did Kayla stray from the path? She wouldn't be in this situation had she just followed the path. The unfamiliar sun hit Vivienne's body like an owl seeing the sun. She covered her eyes as she went to Kayla. She put her hands on Kayla's shoulders. Kayla's sleeves and hands were covered in quicksand but it was a mystery to Vivienne how she'd gotten them out. Kayla matched Vivienne's position and tried to look calm, but tears were running down her face and air wasn't stayinging in her lungs. It was like a bear trying to look like a mouse. Kayla was in full panic mode and Vivienne knew it. She had to talk her off the ledge if Kayla stood a chance.

"Kayla! Kayla, calm down. Try to take deep breaths." Vivienne coached. But each breath Kayla attempted to take, went out just as fast as it came in. "Kayla, slow deep breaths."

Kayla's breaths were quick sucks of air. She looked at Vivienne, both angry and scared. "I'm trying but I can't. It's like my lungs are full."

"Kayla, you're not breathing, which means your lungs are empty. So take a breather and calm down."

"Can't you see that I'm trying!" Kayla snapped. Yellow circled her brown iris as she panicked. After a few well coached breaths, Kayla swallowed and looked at Vivienne, hard eyes softened like butter. "I'm scared."

Her words were barely a whisper. Vivienne looked at the helpless girl. The quicksand was up to her chest and only getting higher. Vivienne saw the pleads that came from the girl's eyes. She turned and went to find something. Kayla watched Vivienne abandon her, face wiped of emotion. Why had she left her? Was she not enough? Her heart rate heightened as she sank. Vivienne ran through the forest, pushing away branches and leaves. She ignored the animals that watched her and eventually they ignored her as well. She had to save Kayla. She wasn't going to let the only person that believed in her die. Kayla closed her eyes as the quicksand. Eronics would only electrocute her, they wouldn't help her. She let herself relax when she heard a shout. Something was put into the quicksand and it pushed her upwards.

Second Book up for offer: "Untitled"

Jade sauntered through the palace, twirling the key she swiped off a sleeping guard. She held her jacket close. She knew this side of the castle wasn't visited but it was quite cold. She looked at a vase on a stand but decided against taking it. It would slow her down. Though as she walked away from the vase that could leave her well-off for years, another pair of footsteps joined hers. But they weren't from soldiers boots, they were heels. And the only person who could possibly wear heels this side of the castle was the Princess.

A red faced blonde stopped dead on her heels and looked at the thief with a frown and furrowed brows. She held her skirt and all instruments in her hand, showing off her no-longer scandalous ankles. She dropped them with a huff as she tried to form words.

"Who are you?" Her voice was high and confused as she looked Teresa up and down. 
 "I would ask the same question but everyone knows our beloved princess, Ar-e-ya."
The princesses confused face turned hard when she heard how her name was pronounced. "It's Ar-eye-yah. Like "I". Aryah."
"Whatever, where are you going?" Jade asked, taking slow soft steps towards the princess. A small smirk sat on her face as she examined the girl.
"Mind if I join ya?"
"No thank you. I am very capable"
"Outside the palace isn't very safe. I could keep you safe." Jade drawled out as she stood in front of the princess. A look of confusion crossed Ariya's face.
"You guys always have a price. How much?"
"Oh, I'll tell you when when we get there. But I promise you. It'll be worth every penny."

She came to the palace, hoping for a payday, one that would leave her well-off for years. And the gods delivered; The Princess was the payday of a lifetime.



Sooooooo which one? Tell me in the comments or don't. Read and stay silents. Sorry, for not having more for the second book. I haven't done anything but planning and this part. I have another thing written out but that would be major spoilers. Speaking of spoilers, finding an interesting part for the first book was sooooo hard without spoiling anything too big. It was this or and I quote the "I'm not butt-scooting over a bridge" scene. 

Sphinx <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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