6 - The Start - Gwen

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We walk up the mountain making sure to watch out for anything. I look to see the sunset.

"How are we going to see in the dark?" Max asks. His hair is messy and slicked with sweat.

"I don't know." Ryan says.

"Don't you know some mountain elf magic or something?" Owen asks.

"No," He responds.

"I have a solution. I made night vision potions right before we left. I have 10 of them so everyone gets two." says Anna.

"How did you learn how to make potions," I ask.

"After our talk. Also, only small sips or else you'll get really bad hallucinations." She explains. We all take a small sip and continue to walk.

"I don't think it works," Owens says.

"Is it dark?" Anna retorts. Owen shakes his head. "Then wait for it to be dark." She says as she says that the last of the sun falls. The top of the moon comes up. It doesn't look any different to the day.

"Anna, this works so well!" I say.

"Thanks," She says. We continue walking in silence, stopping only to eat. As the sun comes up, we reach the opening of the Hollow Witch's cave.

"How do we get her to come out?" Max asks. Owen opens a book.

"It says we should draw a circle in the dirt and stand in it then say her name three times and wait," Owen says. He picks up a large stick and draws a wobbly circle and we all stand in the circle.

"Hollow Witch!" I yell.

"Hollow Witch!" Anna and Owen add.

"Hollow Witch!" Max and Ryan yell. Black smoke comes up around us.

The walls of the cave are decorated with plants, masks, and jars. Her cave is very messy and disheveled. The Hollow Witch is wearing dark purple robes. She ushers us to a sitting area. You can tell the furniture is old because it's ripped in multiple places. It doesn't look any better than my furniture though.

"So why are you here?" Asks the Hollow Witch.

"I hit my staff on the ground and a prophecy showed up. It said that 'Darkness will fall'." I explain. "It also said talk to a witch aka you."

"So you've come to learn how to prevent the prophecy." She concludes.

"Pretty much." Max pipes up.

"Follow me," She says getting up.

We follow her to her potion room. She grabs some bottles and pours them into a cauldron. Black smoke comes up in the shapes. Two swords battling, a heart shows up then withers away, and a crown.

"There's going to be a war. You will all lose something. Somebody's heart will wither away and others will lose their heart. Three of you will be betrayed. And one of you will become a leader." The Hollow Witch explains.

"Can you tell us anything else?" I ask.

"What do you want to know?" She asks.

"Could you tell me how to use my staff?" I ask.

"Nope, it will open up to you when it's ready. Now, go home. War is coming. Remember that you can't force your future. The prophecy will come true when it's ready." The Hollow Witch says. She hands Anna a bottle filled with purple powder. "Sprinkle this into a circle then say where you want to go. If it's not a circle then you could go to the opposite of where you want to go or somewhere else." She says. We walk outside and Anna makes a circle then says Leytho. A blueish-purple light shines.

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