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"EXCUSE me, sorry, passing through." Aven scurried through the airport with Alison on her hip, carefully weaving through the crowd looking for a certain brunette.

"THERE! Aves go there, I see her!" Alison loudly informed pointing at her new friend before deciding Aven wasn't walking fast enough and took matters into her own hands.

The blonde kid wiggled her way out of Aven's grasp and beelined it to Gracie. Aven, who hadn't even spotted Gracie yet, immediately chased after her, yelling her name; "Alison!"

"God give me strength so I don't lose the kid and my job." Aven muttered to herself as she came to a stop in front of Gracie, picking up Alison in one swift motion.

"Alison Eloise! We do not run like that, especially after telling me you were going to be a good listener." The babysitter berated but all Alison gave back was a simple shrug and puppy dog eyes. "I sorry, but Gracie was talking me about herself. She has a dog!" Aven's eyes immediately turned into hearts at the new fact and that Alison was so fond of the brunette. She was about to melt away but suddenly remembered the girl standing there and the little marathon she had just ran. "Thank you for telling me but we do not run without telling me first. Okay?" Alison just smugly nodded before reaching out for Gracie to hold her.

Gracie immediately offered to take the girl but Aven protested, not wanting to bother her. "Sorry about that, we'll be on our way now. Thank you for being so kind. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." Gracie opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the very vocal kid, "NooooOoo Gracieee, I want you to stay. You my favorite and I want to see your dog." Gracie giggled a little in response and immediately wanted to invite them over but decided against it, not wanting to look too desperate to get to know the girls better.

"Hey, how about you listen to Aven but I'll give you my number so we can plan a day for my dog to meet you. Sound good?" Alison nodded in response and Aven whispered a small thank you so Gracie dug through her bag looking for a piece of paper and pen.

Quickly scribing down a few numbers and letters, the girls were then off on their own ways once again.

text me
    -Gracie A <3

I hope your doing well
Lmk if you would prefer longer chapters
Also also
Drink water
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Ok that's it

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