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BY the time the two girls had made it into Aven's flat it was already almost half past three. Tensions were still high from the fact that Gracie almost got drugged by a man who she went on a date with but slightly eased as both were too tired to actually think straight.

    "Do you need anything before I go set up the bed?" Aven asked the girl who was by the kitchen island.

    "No I– actually– nevermind, thanks for letting me stay."

    Aven nodded in response, going over to the girl and just engulfing her in a hug, "Are you sure you're okay?"

    "I will be."

    The moment those words fell out of Gracie's mouth, the reality of the night finally set in and tears slipped from her face. A combination of tiredness, unease, and the drinks. Aven stayed silent and left a small kiss on the girl's forehead, showing her support.

"You know not all people are like that right? There's so much good in the world, that's just one stupid asshole–"

"I know, can we just go to bed? I'm so done with today." Gracie requested as she pulled away.

Aven nodded in response to Gracie's request and started walking towards the couch.

"What are you doing?" Gracie asked, motioning towards the bedroom.

"What? I'm not gonna let a guest sleep on the couch."

"Well I'm not gonna just kick you out of your own bed. C'mon, let's go."

Aven cracked a smile at Gracie's words before taking her hand and making their way into the bedroom. This wasn't different than all the other times they had shared beds. It was the same.

The girls settled into the room and got ready for bed, each claiming a side. Within the few minutes of laying down, they had somehow ended up on their sides, face to face.

While looking at each other, laughter erupted and all tensions seemed to melt away. "I can't believe you were trying to sleep on the couch. Can you imagine a sleepover but everyone slept in a different room."

"Oh shut it Abrams, I was just trying to be polite and not invade your boundaries."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Being with you helps me sleep better. But of course Aven didn't say that out loud.

"Good night Abrams. You better not hog the blanket like last time." Aven teased as she took in this moment with one of her favorite people.

"You're so pretty."

Aven's eyes immediately widened then softened, turning back over to face Gracie but she had already turned over too. Aven felt her cheeks heat up and turn crimson as only one thought ran through her mind.

I don't want you like a best friend.

Are we feeling Graven or Acie
Or like Avie or Gracen

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I have a really big fear of an ant crawling up my vagina
Sorry you had to read that


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