Chapter 1 - Perfect Strangers

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Credits to the rightful owner of the art in my story.

Wednesday. It's one of those school days that Nami hates the most, as almost all her teachers begged her to stay after school today. Now, being known as one of East Blue High's hidden gem, she just wished that the teachers would actually pay her for helping those students who struggle academically. She just knew that she would hate it less if one-they offer snacks and two-she gets paid for all those free tutoring she gave all throughout the year.

Nami can't help but to also dislike the way other students could use all the top students as their resources during this mid-term month. Being a junior in high school set her priorities in another direction, as she really needs to take this year more seriously for the hopes of going to the colleges she desires.

"It's our last class and you're still grumpy?" Chopper, a sophomore that you wouldn't see without his precious hat, sat beside her. For their school, those who excel in their study tends to have more classes together, Nami felt that their counselor has too much motivation to do that. "Obviously. Staying for two-hours after school isn't on my bingo card today." Nami complained and earned a chuckle from the younger guy.

"At least, you wouldn't have to stay in the room full of foul-smelling guys." Chopper replied trying to lighten the orange-haired girl's mood. Nami was once assigned to try and encourage the Fencing club to join their Environmental club because they need larger helpers. Clearly, there's no way she would go back to that room full of sweaty guys, she might just as well change school if ever. Fortunately, with that horrifying experience of her, it was just right that there comes a good in that event. In that same room where she tried her hardest not to puke was where she met Chopper.

She saw how the coaches and fencers rely on him for first aid no matter how small or big the injury is. Chopper was a shy guy, a timid person to be exact who would only talk if asked.

"What with the face?" A tall raven-haired girl entered the room, placing her books on the desk. She sat in the chair ahead of Nami which is beside Chopper's. "Hey, Robin. I'm gonna bet 50 bucks that you're staying after school today, no?" Nami greeted the girl. Robin is a year ahead of her, meaning she will graduate during summer. It was also thanks to Chopper that they met each other.

"That's unfair, Nami. You already know the answer to that." Chopper butted in, of course what is Nami expecting? Robin is like a mother-figure to Chopper, whom he wouldn't let fall for the oldest trick Nami has up in her sleeves.

"Guess I own you 50 bucks then? Mr. Oden already asked me for the rest of the week to stay and help as our midterms are coming fast." Robin explained, receiving a loud 'Exactly!' from Nami.

"Exactly! Why are we even sacrificing our own time of studying to help others? Are they aware that they're making it easier for students to be lazy and not care for the test?" Nami's complaining voice slowly faded when she locked eyes with their Chemistry teacher, Mr. Marco, who's patiently waiting for her group to quiet down.

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"Let's eat at the ramen shop down the street after this!" Chopper bid his goodbye to the two girls when the class ended to go and head to the Fencing club, "Ok, but it's your treat." Nami responded.

The two girls walked out of the class after Mr. Marco talked to them asking to stay after school, "I told you, every teacher's gonna ask for us until the very final day of our midterms." Nami furiously whispered to Robin. As the two of them are walking to the library, Nami can't help but to notice the room located in opposite side of the hallway has its door ajar. She saw the same two guys with their very own weird sleeping positions. "Say, Robin. Do you know what's the room for?"

Robin slightly turn her head and trace her eyes to the sign, 'No Students Allowed At This Point.' which is engraved in the door. She saw by the small opening in the door how the two guys are soundly sleep. "I believe it's the detention room. Whenever we stay after school, I always see Sanji waiting for the two guys there."

Nami, of course, would know who's Sanji. Aside from Chopper, Sanji was also one of the reason why her and Robin got close. With his constant flirting and love bombarding, the two found comfort and similarity within them. Honestly, the girls in her school was torn between jealousy and relief when they found out Sanji finally settled down with someone.

Nami peeked again at the door right before they enter the library, and she finally got the full picture of what's inside the room because of the angle. There, she saw how the green-haired man depends his whole weight to the rod shaped thingy covered in black clothing, hugging it while sleeping. The other guy, well.. Instead of sleeping like a normal person, he's laying on the ground while his legs are up in the chair, Nami can't see his whole face because of the straw hat covering his head.  "They sure look comfortable enough."

When the two entered the library, they find a spot to settle down and took out all the notes they would need for today. When the bell rang, all the students that needs extra support came pouring down in the library. "Here we go." Nami half-heartedly said while putting up a smile for the students that went to their table.

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After some gruesome and exhaustingly forty-five minutes as Nami would describe, her and Robin finally found the time to breathe. "This sure is a good exercise for my patience." Nami said, she has this thing where she feels infuriated by people who's not as 'effiecient' as she is. Robin just analyzed that the orange-haired girl might just have the biggest pet peeve over dumb or slow people.

Suddenly, Nami's eyes travel down to the window where she could get a complete view of the detention room. There, her eyes fall on Sanji and another person with long nose, waiting on the hallway. She averted her eyes to the room and saw the green-haired guy stretching with his mouth wide open, and the one with straw hat slowly standing up while rubbing his eyes.

Nami can tell that the two have one of the nicest physiques in the whole school, she would think they're in some sort of physically demanding clubs and sports. If she would be honest it's sort of attractive. "Sanji is there along with someone." Nami commented in hopes of forestalling her not-so-angelic thoughts.

The four guys walked out of the detention room and head to the library, Nami can't help her eyes to follow the figures. Once they entered, they picked the spot that's couple of seats away from Nami and Robin. The two girls' curiosity of the two guys didn't fade earlier as now both of their eyes can't seem to find another object or person to look at to.

The guy with straw hat and the one with long nose suddenly started laughing maniacally, while Sanji and the green-haired guy argue. They're the loudest table as of the moment, Nami sighed thinking how she would get a relaxing break with those two laughing like there's no tomorrow. Robin chuckled, slightly understanding what's funny. "I knew they look familiar."

Nami gazed upon her, patiently waiting for an answer. Robin returned her gaze disbelief at the orange-haired girl's clueless stare. "Seriously? Nami, you should definitely try paying attention to your surrounding."

"What do you mean?" Nami's eyebrows furrowed with the older girl's comment, trying to collect all her days in this high school. She was sure that she never crossed path with those guys aside from Sanji. "The one with the green hair used to be in our class last year, Biology to be exact."

"And the guy with straw hat? Or the long nose guy?"

Robin tried to recollect her thoughts, she's sure she have seen the four of them together somewhere.

"That's Luffy, he's... let's say that he leads that group to trouble. And the one with long-nose is Usopp, Kaya's boyfriend."

Nami's gaze then returned to the four figures, their table now having snacks worth of 20 people. Luffy, the guy with straw hat, started walking around while picking his nose and flicking it around his friends. Nami suddenly feel like puking, wanting to choke her past self for finding the guy attractive. "Oh god, why are the boys in our school so nasty?"

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Story published in Wattpad and Ao3
-June 24, 2024

AO3 - @Reiko_AA

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