Chapter 2 - Rewrite The Stars

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Because of Robin's comment earlier, Nami took her sweet time after school to dig around her room to find her old yearbooks and school's newspaper.

She found out that the four of them had at least one class with her before. Usopp had Geography with her, as well as Sanji. That was freshman year and where Sanji bombarded her with flirting because she sat next to him all throughout the semester.

Zoro, as Robin mentioned, had Biology with them last year. It was just strange that he's not in their Chemistry class this year. Maybe that's why Nami didn't notice his presence until then.

Then, there's Monkey D. Luffy.

She was stunned to find out he was almost in all her class all throughout their high school career. Not minding the fact that Luffy's name wasn't on the list of Top 100 students, she was more baffled that she didn't notice such a loud and nasty guy.

There's also the newspapers Morgan has worked on over the past year, too bad he already graduated.

Through the newspapers, Nami found out that the four of them are one of the leading members of their own club, which would explain their physiques. Zoro has been one of the longest running and the most honored members of the Fencing club, Nami would have thought that it's a small coincidence.

Usopp was in their Archery club, he was the one who brought up East Blue's legacy from being an underdog to one of the most feared schools in the said category along with Van Auger.

Sanji was one of the top members of their Taekwondo team, bringing medals here and there to their school. 'Maybe that's why all the girls are invested in our Taekwondo club.' Nami thought.

Luffy was in their wrestling club. It's something that Nami wouldn't expect since he was far shorter than most of the guys in their school, but she guess it's all advantage and mainly about agility and techniques.

_ _ _ _ _ _

It's Thursday. There's a deep gut feeling Nami would hate this day too, but oh well, when was the last time she liked going to school? She would've to look back to the good ol' days.

The same thing happened again. Teachers would ask for her to stay after school, go on with her day, chitchat to maybe one of two friends she has other than Robin and Chopper, and then it's the last class again.

"Let's get ice cream later! There's a new stall down the corner of the street. My body rejected the ramen from yesterday so badly." Chopper bid his goodbye to go and meet with the fencing club. The two girls watch him in pity as the happenings from yesterday were indescribable. Chopper would just like to take yesterday as a reminder that spicy food cannot infact enter his mouth.

Nami then urges Robin to quickly go to the library before their spot might be taken by somebody else.

The two lads quickly pulled out their notes as soon as the bell rang, expecting a huge crowd because of all the homeworks cruel teachers assigned today. "God! I hate Mr. Crocodile for all this finance assignment."

Robin grinned at the younger girl, agreeing to Nami that for some reason he assigns more assignments than any other teacher. "I'm so glad, I'm done with his class. My credits are already caught up."

"Honestly, Robin. I don't know why you're taking any more classes when you're already good to graduate, like look at your damn credits." Nami questioned the girl next to her, but just earned a shrug. "Can you blame me? Learning is fun."

"You could be enjoying summer extra early right now." Nami rolled her eyes.

After their back-and-forth remarks and teaching their schoolmates, Nami's eyes landed once again to the window. She saw Sanji and Usopp already making their way to the end of the hallway. "Guess our break is coming."

With slight tilting and angling her head, she saw the same two guys sleeping with even weirder sleeping positions from yesterday. "They sure look comfortable enough."

Robin laughed at her little comments, knowing what's the source behind it without even looking. 'Nami seems to be paying attention more than usual.'

_ _ _ _ _

After some minutes the bell rang for them to have their well-deserved break. "Robin, please. I really need something to get by." Nami begged Robin to come with her to the vending machine, she's been holding her stomach for dear life. She's been hungry ever since last period, but it's her fault for not eating lunch earlier and just wandering around the school.

The older girl just shook her head, saying that she needs to go to the bathroom. "I can accompany you till the end of the hallway, but I need to go to the bathroom."

The two stood up with Nami clutching her purse like everyone in the school had the intention to steal it from her. She was traumatized by 'losing' her whole week allowance, which was spent by shopping for new clothes and accessories, but apparently acknowledging that she has a problem with spending is too much for her ego.

The two parted ways when they passed by a bathroom, and after a few turns, Nami arrived at the vending machine.

She stood there analyzing their prices and calculating which food or drink would tame her grumbling stomach while spending less. She tilted her head and tapped her shoes, 'If I get this one... I would spend around a dollar and seventy-five cents... I don't think that's right.'

Holding two dollars in her hand, Nami thought that the small cookies would satisfy her hunger.

"Can you please hurry up? I'm so hungry!"

All her train of thoughts have been abruptly interrupted by a young boy not much taller than her. She doesn't know if she would get angry because of the tone, but be okay with it since he used 'please.'

"Geez, no need to shout! You can go first." Nami replied, definitely not shouting back.

The boy quickly sent her a grin and asked Nami if she's sure. "Go ahead."

The boy quickly inserted all the money he had in all his pockets, and pressed all the buttons he could touch. Nami just hoped that by the time he finished there's still food left.

Trying to apply what Robin pointed out to her yesterday, she examined the guy. Back facing her, his straw hat falls on his back because of excitement over the snacks. 'Monkey D. Luffy, huh.' Nami thought.

She's not that tall but she would say that their height difference isn't that much compared when she stands next to Robin. His hair is messy but still falls in his head that compliments his face. "Thank you so much for letting me cut the line."

He said while hugging all the snacks he bought. Nami's mouth gaped open because he bought almost entirely the snacks in the machine along with the drinks. "Excuse me? Why are you hogging all the snacks?!"

Nami quickly then searches for the cookies she's thinking of buying, but to her luck she finds all the remains in the guy's arm. "AND WHAT MADE YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST DO THAT?!"

Nami quickly took a step forward near him, trying to at least get one piece of anything. "I asked you if I could cut the line, and you said yes. It's not just for me! It's for my friends too!" Luffy answered whilst dodging Nami's every attempt to steal food from him.

"This is a violation of students' code, Nami!" He shouted fearing the anger stitring in her eyes. Luffy then grabs his least favorite, hoping to bribe the anger out of her. "You can have this for free! I'm so sorry." He said defeatedly, what can he do? Both of his arms are hugging the snacks, and Nami's 'punch' seems to have more strength than any of his opponents combined.

Nami quickly grabbed the snack Luffy offered and made her way back to the library, making sure that Luffy stays out of her 20ft radar. "People are so unbelievable these days." She said while munching on the crackers, smiling at the free snack.

"What took you so long?" Robin eyed the girl with a smug look on her face.

"Nothing. Just some ridiculous people with obvious problem with over spending."

Robin chuckled at her answer and laughed even harder when her eyes fell on the other table. Sitting there was Luffy with disheveled clothes, looking defeated as he counts the snacks he has left. "Sure, they do."

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