Chapter 1

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Leopardstar leaped onto bonehill; Tigerstar bounded up next to her. They both gazed upon TigerClan. Their  Clan.

A few moments went by before Leopardstar hopped quietly off bonehill, heading to her den. With a flick of her tail, Tigerstar followed. 

Tigerstar entered to see Leopardstar sitting in her nest with warmth lighting her gaze. 

" Have you considered my question? " Tigerstar asked. his eyes gleamed with the same warmness his eyes had had when they were talking in the RiverClan camp. 

The old RiverClan camp.  She reminded herself. He had asked her why she had never taken a mate.

After a silent pause, she mewed, " I've decided. " 

Tigerstar purred pleasantly. " Go on. " he meowed. 

A purr rumbled in Leopardstar's throat. 

" I'll be your mate. "

Leopardstar's meow got drowned by purrs coming from Tigerstar. " You wont regret it. "

Tigerstar prowled towards Leopardstar, rubbing his scent all over her and twining his tail with hers. 

" Shall we announce it to TigerClan? " Leopardstar asked. Tigerstar shook his head. " Not yet. " He decided. 

He shut his eyes once more and continued purring; Leopardstar let out a mrrow of amusement.

 Was this Tigerstar's soft side? She liked it.

*** Tigerstar washed Leopardstar by bonehill. They had announced the news to TigerClan two sunrises ago. Some weren't surprised, while others were. 

In the end, TigerClan was fine with it. 

The night before they had discussed what they were to say at the Gathering; they were both prepared. Now they were to travel to the Gathering shortly, and Leopardstar was pacing; Tigerstar had finally made her settle and at last she agreed to Tigerstar cleaning her pelt. 

He had growled, " If you aren't going to clean your pelt, at least let me. " She had turned away the offer, to the point where he asked at least 3 times. 

He had started to look grumpy, and Leopardstar finally agreed because she was worried that he would claw her ears off; besides, she liked her ears. 

He was now grooming his own pelt, and Leopardstar gazed at him. She adored the way he strode confidently, the warm look in his eyes whenever she caught his eye. 

Suddenly, she snapped back to reality. 

" Leopardstar," She heard Tigerstar meow cooly. 

" It is time. " 


Tigerstar approached Leopardstar at the entrance, and signalled with his tail for her to follow him. She nodded and fell in beside him.

Darkstripe padded up to them and stayed just behind them, her ears twitching self-consciously; she thought of Stonefur with an odd mixed emotion of guilt and schadenfreude. 

He was too weak anyways. she thought; she glanced at Tigerstar, they had reached Fourtrees, and she shuddered. 

Tigerstar must have noticed, because he touched Leopardstar's flank lightly with his tail-tip; she purred softly as she twined her tail around his. 

Tigerstar bounded into the hollow first, Leopardstar hesitantly following him. The Clans stared blankly as the two cats stalked out of the trees, clearly shook by their recent victory. 

Tigerstar didn't stop to look around, immediately bounding onto the Great Rock. He glanced down at Leopardstar, and she leaped up beside him. 

As soon as she had merely brushed her paw on the stone when leaping, Tigerstar yowled, 

" Let the Gathering begin! " 

A low growl rumbled in Tallstar's throat as he flashed his claws, but stopped himself at a sharp glare from Leopardstar. 

Tallstar opened his mouth to speak, clearly expecting him to talk first, but Tigerstar abruptly cut him off. 

" I will start. " Tigerstar meowed rather loudly and lifted his chin. 

" Prey has been running well. " He began. 

Leopardstar was suprised at his calm tone and welcoming meow, but, as she expected, he snarled, " -and any cat who steps paw on TigerClan territory will know what happens to them. Don't expect TigerClan to give any mercy. " 

Tigerstar twined his tail with Leopardstar's, and she lifted her head, glancing at Tigerstar. 

He nodded. 

" Tigerstar and I are now mates. " 

The clearing erupted with outraged snarls and yowls. Mudclaw of WindClan stepped forward and lifted his head. His gaze burned into hers, and the cats fell silent, all eyes on Mudclaw. 

"This is nonsense! " He snarled. " You are from different Clans! You should be ashamed! " He raised his voice to a yowl at the end. 

As the air crackled with anticipation, Leopardstar hissed like a venomous serpent; her body wound around Mudclaw like a constrictor, each movement fluid and calculated. Her emerald eyes narrowed into menacing slits, their piercing intensity piercing through his façade.

 " We are TIGERCLAN! " Leopardstar screeched.

She hurled herself at Mudclaw. ThunderClan and WindClan watched the moon. Some cat yowled, " The moon is covered with clouds! " 

She didn't care. 

She was determined to prove him wrong. 

She pinned him and scored her claws across his muzzle. The blows she rained down made him wince in pain, but he couldn't get out from under her grip, and each blow sent an earsplitting screech from Mudclaw. His painfilled yowls reverberated around the hollow. No one dared to challenge her, although some cats tried to yowl at her to stop. 


She had to make Tigerstar proud. She had to make the Clans fear them. 

Mudclaw dug his claws into her hind leg. She whipped her head around, giving Mudclaw a sharp fury-filled glare. She retaliated and slashed her claws down his side, a deep scarlet gash appearing. She could see the white tip of bone, and his legs shook frailly before he collapsed to the dusty clearing, his life-blood pooling out on the ground and staining the earth deep scarlet red. 

She prowled around Mudclaw till she was sure he was defeated, her eyes narrowed and glittering with malice. Once she was sure he was dead, she bounded onto the Great Rock. 

" And that, you see, is what happens when you disobey TigerClan. " She hissed. Tallstar bolted to Mudclaw; he heaved Mudclaw awkwardly onto his back and called, " Deadfoot, could you come help me over here? " 

His worried meow met silence. 

" Deadfoot? Anyone? " 

Deadfoot stepped forward. 

" I no longer support you. " He meowed shakily. He lifted his chin and gave Tallstar an apologizing look. Tallstar nodded acceptingly; Deadfoot looked relieved that Tallstar understood. In act to not blow Deadfoot's cover, Tallstar's jaw fell open. 

" Me neither! " the WindClan cats erupted into yowls that echoed across the still, eerie clearing. Tallstar glanced at Firestar with disbelief in both of their gazes. Suddenly the yowls from the WindClan cats turned into a chant. 

" TigerClan! TigerClan! TigerClan! "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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