Chapter 19: Red Tour Disaster

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Taylor's POV:
I wake up to silence. No crying from Izzy or Harper. It's kinda worrying me. Usually, I hear Harper crying for me and Izzy yelling for me to come to Harper's room. I quietly walked to Harper's room and she's still sleeping. She still has tear marks from yesterday but, at least she's finally sleeping. Tree had texted me saying that I needed to get everybody, including Izzy and Harper to the stadium so we can set up the stage for the concert tonight. We arrived at the stadium and I quickly realized that Harper was flushed. "Trav, does Harper look flushed to you?" I asked. Travis looked at her and looked back at me, "Yeah, she does." He said. Harper then runs over to me and I pick her up. "You feeling okay, Harps?" I asked. She shook her head and buried her head into my shoulder. I rubbed her back and swayed side to side to make sure that she wouldn't start crying. "Taylor, how's Harper feeling?" Tree asked. "Not good at all. She's so hot and really flushed." I said. "Poor girl. I hate to break it to you but, you're on in five." Tree said. "Okay. Thanks Tree." I said. Tree nodded and left. I walked over to Travis and handed him Harper as I got changed in my 'Red intro' bodysuit. It's time for the Red Tour and the intro music had started. I'm a nervous wreck. I'm not nervous about the concert but, I'm nervous about Harper. When she's sick or tired, she's very clingy to me. I'm not there, instead, it's Travis in my place. After I had finished the five songs from Fearless, I went backstage for a second costume change. As soon as I walked in the dressing room, I noticed Izzy was on the couch and Travis was swaying Harper as she cried. Luckily, Travis noticed me and came right over. "She's burning up and won't stop crying." Travis said. I immediately take her and she still didn't stop crying. Her forehead is so hot and she looks so flushed. My poor baby. I set her in her fold up crib with her bottle and went to tell Tree that we have to cancel the rest of the concert since I need to get Harper home. Maybe tomorrow will be better and Harper won't be so sick.
AUTHOR'S NOTE PLEASE READ: Thank you @Nautika19 for helping me make this chapter! @Nautika19 OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS IDEAS, PLEASE SHARE THEM WITH ME SO I CAN WRITE A NEW CHAPTER! Thank you again!

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