Where are we?//five//

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November/8th/1983            The song quote for this chapter is"twinnn where have u been?"

Gwen looked around she was in a dark cold place,It looked like Hawkinns.She screamed for anybody but got no answer instead she heard a low growl..The demogorgon! Gwen screamed bloody murder,the demogorgon turned to Gwen slowly backing he mr up into a corner."help!! Lucas!?"* she screamed begging for Lucas or anyone.(btw Lucas and Gwen were really close before Lucas started dating max) and before Gwen knew it the demogorgon jumped right at Gwen!"NO!" Gwen yelled in fear covering here eyes.but before it could reach her the demogorgon streaked in fear and ran off...?

Gwen's outfit:

It was Will! "Will!?" Gwen yelled in shock pulling her twin into a hug,"how what where I-" Gwen tried to make sense of what was happening

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It was Will! "Will!?" Gwen yelled in shock pulling her twin into a hug,"how what where I-" Gwen tried to make sense of what was happening."Gwen relax" Will said with a slight chuckle happy he wasn't alone anymore,"are u real!? Am I dead!?" Gwen still in shock.How was Will here I mean he was dead she saw his body..didn't she?"Gwen! I'm real,I'm here" will reassured his sister. "Okay...okay. But where are we and how do we get home" Gwen question slowing down her breathing."I don't know.. but it's not safe here" Will tried to answer her question. "But we do need to get out of here,cmon" Will grabbed his sisters hand and began running towards a familiar part of the woods.After running for a little they ended up at castle byers Gwen climbed inside first then will,"now what..?" Gwen looked around wither her arms crossed."I mean will we al- we'll everyone in Hawkins thinks your dead" Gwen sat down and looked at will,"so they weren't look for me" will respond "but I'm now missing they'll search for me and they'll find our the body's not you so we'll be okay.we're gonna go home" Gwen tried to reassure her brother putting a comforting hand on his shoulder,"but the demogorgons..do they know where we are?" Questioned Gwen."I don't think so.but maybe" Will shrugged,It was was gonna be a long night or nights...

Not sure how much time had went by Gwen and Will decided to lay down inside of castle byer,Attempting to sleep through the night.Soon after Will had doze offed but Gwen just couldn't so instead she sat up,She decided it was better to watch over Will and her self.Just to make sure nothing happens to them without having to wake Will up.

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