Ch.1 Found

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Y/n paused as they were about to leave for school, hearing their foster mother's urgent call from the kitchen. With a solemn expression, she delivered the news—they had to leave immediately as their uncle had warned of imminent danger. She handed Y/n a bag filled with weapons, which Y/n promptly marked with their crescent moon symbol using their unique abilities.

"Thanks for the warning, but I have to go to school," Y/n replied firmly, determined to maintain some normalcy amidst the threat.

"School? Your life is at risk, and you're worried about school?" Their foster mother's frustration was evident as she struggled to reason with Y/n.

"It's not about school; it's about saying goodbye to my friends. Plus, you can't stop me," Y/n asserted, rolling out the door, resolved to confront the danger head-on after years of running and hiding.

At school, despite trying to blend in, Y/n couldn't shake off a sense of unease. The sight of a helicopter circling ominously overhead during the third period heightened their suspicions. While others seemed oblivious, Y/n's heightened senses confirmed their worst fears—armed troops were converging on the school grounds, poised to strike.

Disregarding the teacher's reprimand, Y/n took decisive action. Using a silenced gun, they discreetly alerted the school office to the imminent threat, prompting chaos and concern among their classmates and teachers.

"Everyone, get out now! Y/N, please, this isn't necessary," the teacher pleaded, but Y/n was resolute, using their telekinetic abilities to secure the classroom door.

After ensuring the teacher's safety, Y/n turned to their friend Mark, the only one who seemed unfazed by the unfolding crisis.

"Mark, come with me. We need to find Ava," Y/n instructed, urgency evident in their voice as they armed Mark with a gun and a knife, emphasizing the need for safety.

"Is it time for you to leave?" Mark asked, worry etched on his face.

"Yeah. I need to make sure you and Ava are safe," Y/n affirmed, their determination to protect their friends unwavering.

Mark and Ava were more than just friends—they were fellow supernaturals, trusted allies in Y/n's quest to challenge their tyrannical father, King Marcel Valentine, a powerful vampire dictator. Y/n's heritage as the daughter of King Marcel imbued them with a fierce resolve to overthrow him and bring peace to both supernatural and human realms.

Gunshots rang out from the direction of the office, startling Y/n and Mark into action.

"Shit! Ava's classroom is that way," Mark exclaimed, ready to confront the danger head-on.

"You stay here and protect your friends. I'll check it out," Y/n directed, steeling themselves for the confrontation ahead.

In the face of imminent danger and the weight of their heritage, Y/n's resolve remains unyielding as they navigate a world where loyalty, courage, and sacrifice define their journey toward liberation and justice


Authors note.

This is the y/n wheelchair. You can imagine it in your color of liking. Imagine that the wheels are magically electric. And you have the power to control/move/push the chair with just your mind

 And you have the power to control/move/push the chair with just your mind

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