𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚. declaration

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It was a windy day, Y/N rolled her eyes at the students who wore dresses and skirts and were squealing when the wind passes through them and they struggle and bend and cover their legs.

"Stupid people" she muttered. They knew all along that today is going to be windy, it's forecasted and announced all over the news, but they still chose to wear those clothing. She was pissed off by one thing, it's just unfortunate for them that she let out her frustration on the innocent people around her.

Graduation is near, and everyone is getting busy.

Walking past the corridors to attend the class, someone called for her. Yet she recognized the voice damn well not to turn and face him.

"Oi, Y/N"

She just proceeded to enter the room.

Gojo furrowed his eyebrows, confused at her sudden change of behavior.

"Y/N" he said and pulled a chair and sat beside her.

"I've already submitted it to our professor, I sent you the email of our grade for that project. We don't have anything to talk about" she said.

"That's not what I'm going to say" Gojo said.

"Really? Then don't talk to me"

Gojo furrowed his eyebrows. "What is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with you?" Y/N returned the question.

Gojo wasn't able to reply since the professor already arrived.


"Satoru, what are you doing?" Geto took away the can from his grip.

"What? I'm just curious"

"Curious? You've been proven a lightweight"

Gojo only narrowed his eyes at him then magically took another can from behind his bed. 


"Man, I just want to try what others are doing, sneaking in beer in the dorm and getting caught or not"

"Lately, you've been acting different, what exactly happened?" Geto questioned.

"Nothing, graduation is near, I'm happy I'll finally be out of this hell. I hate this major I wanna go home"

"You're really not telling me the exact reason why?"

"Nope" Gojo said and was attempting to open the can of beer when Geto snatched it away again.

"Go to sleep. Your mother will be visiting tomorrow"



Y/N cried for one night only. 

She couldn't believe she suddenly felt stupid and crying over a man who she was supposed to be hating. 

"He doesn't deserve my tears" she said. 

She was hurt, so much because she hoped. But alas her hopes went down the drain in just a snap. Suddenly, they were back to their usual encounters. Gojo would say something and she will fire back. 

Gojo realized she hates him, and that he felt dumb to be hoping she felt the same that time he actually accidentally blurted out that he likes her. So he made a resolve to forget whatever it was that he felt for a second and returned to his usual behavior. 

That day, Gojo went to the lobby to welcome his mother, but for whatever reason that came to his mind, when Y/N walked past him, he poured the cold glass of water he was holding on her head which shocked everybody around, what he didn't realize is that his mother just arrived and just in time, saw what he did.

arranged. 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 ✓Where stories live. Discover now