Chapter 3 : His Ex

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Max hadn't seen Roxanne in quite a while since they decided to break up but now she was in town and apparently asking for him? Max couldn't but to be rather worried, he didn't want Bradley to get the wrong idea if he were to see him and Roxanne together after all Max was over her and was expecting the same from her. Max didn't want to just not see Roxanne while she was in town, he felt that was rude of him and it's not like they ended things on bad term so he decided to go to Bean Scene cafe with all of his friends in order to meet up with Roxanne and catch up but at the same time not be alone with just her.

Max was sitting right across from Roxanne while Bobby and Pj sat in the middle of them.
"It's nice to see you guys again" Roxanne said, her tone being sweet and kind and per usual, it was the one thing that you could always be sure about with her.
"It's nice to see you too Roxanne, how'd you been" Max asked.
"I've been doing good actually" she said with a smile raising on her rosy cheeks.
"I've been doing good with my grades and friends, thanks for the asking, but how about you guys?" She asked sounding genuinely curious and kind.
"Well,we're still good friends, as you can see" Max said with a smug smile.
"I've been keeping MY grades up, can't really talk for these guys though" Max remarked with a smug tone.
"Well to be fair, I've been with my girlfriend" Pj answered rather proudly, he was the only one in the group that wasn't single after all.
"Sureee, what about you Bobby" Max asked as he chuckled with Roxanne.
"Well, you know man.. stuff" Bobby laughed.
They shared a group laugh for a second making fun of the two boys for not keeping their grades, especially in two classes that Roxanne and Max found rather easy. Their group was having fun and everyone was laughing, bullying each other in a playful manner, Pj always defending himself with the fact that he's not in fact single anymore, which was rather surprising since Max is the most popular out of the four of them. Regarding Max and Roxanne there was not a single hint of tension between them, they were laughing together, bullying each other, bullying their friends together, talking normally, Max seemingly relaxed and at ease yet anyone looking from afar could see that it wasn't the same case for Roxanne. Roxanne was looking at Max with longing eyes, one could say it was because she missed him, but then how could one explain her rosy cheeks when she laughed with him? Or when she teased at him and she would lean in seemingly trying to get closer to him. To anyone else who wasn't Max, it was rather obvious, Roxanne still had lingering feelings for her ex boyfriend.

Max had gotten up with Roxanne to get drinks for the guys, coincidentally enough, it was 12:30, the time when Bradley would always take his breaks and Max would always come to bother him, it was different this time. Max didn't go looking for Bradley for he was rather busy with the redhead currently tugging at his arm, he didn't even seem to remember about Bradley's breaks.
"Excuse me, I have to get my drink"
Max and Roxanne turned around to look for the voice that just spoke.
"Oh, we apologize!" Roxanne said with her usual calming voice and her small smile. She moved aside with max. Still holding into his arm. She looked up at Max to continue their conversation yet was met with a different look.
Max seemed shocked. The one thing that he didn't want to happen. The one thing that he didn't take into consideration. The fact that this cafe is the same exact cafe he would take Bradley on his every break.
"Brad.." Max said with his widened eyes.
"It's Bradley."
Bradley seemed annoyed. He sounded harsh.
"Oh you know him?" Roxanne asked
"Uh yea he's a... friend"
"Oh! Well nice to meet you, I'm Roxanne" she said holding her hand out for Bradley to shake.
"Bradley." He said, scanning her up and down. He noticed her calm yet elegant posture but he also noticed how her other hand just simply refused to let go of Max's arm. Bradley noticed how comfortable Max and Roxanne were in each other's presence and that made him feel some type of way, it felt like someone or something was clenching his heart he felt his stomach twist. He shot up his eyes to Max as if he were throwing daggers at him. Bradley grabbed his drink,payed, and walked out of the cafe.
"Oh.. I don't think he liked me very much.." Roxanne said with a disappointed expression in her face.

Max was lying in his bed questioning his life choices yet accepting the fact that he messed up.
"God I'm so stupid" he groaned into his pillow.
"Well, you couldn't have known man" Bobby said to him as he sat on the opposite side of the room on his own bed.
" no, I totally should've, I'm always with him in that exact cafe at that exact time"
"Oh.. well he doesn't have to get angry at you or anything, you guys aren't even dating" Bobby said carelessly
That thought didn't sit right with Max.

"Max I don't have the time, I have to study" Bradley said as they entered a studying room at the library.
"Well let me apologize at least"
"Why would you apologize? You were hanging out with your friends were you not?"
"Well yea but still-"
"Listen Max, I'm not mad, there's no need to apologize, just leave and leave me alone" Bradley said sounding annoyed.
Of course he was mad. Of course he didn't like Max hanging out with that one specific redhead but he wasn't going to come out and say it. He couldn't.
"Fine, but you're coming with me tomorrow. Bring your skateboard." Max said as he was leaving the room, giving Bradley no time to respond.
Bradley just sighed as an answer.

Author's note:
I wanna spoil next chapter so bad 😔🙏

Exactly how I envision these two, except Max has a messy wolf cut instead @meowtine_ on instagram her maxley fan art is so good (including this one)+ leave comments on wether you guys are liking this or not pls 😭

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Exactly how I envision these two, except Max has a messy wolf cut instead
@meowtine_ on instagram her maxley fan art is so good (including this one)
+ leave comments on wether you guys are liking this or not pls 😭

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