Chapter 9: Fractured Ties

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Bradley stared into his coffee cup, the swirling patterns in the froth mirroring the turmoil in his mind. It had been two weeks since he had woken up from his coma, and every day since had been a battle against the confusion and hurt that threatened to overwhelm him. He had always been a solitary person, preferring his own company over that of others, but the betrayal he felt from Max, his closest friend, cut deeper than any isolation ever had.

The doctors had told him about the accident. They said it was a miracle he had survived, but waking up to find that the one person he had always relied on was no longer there for him felt like a cruel twist of fate. Max had been there in the beginning, they told him. He had visited every day, stayed by his bedside, talked to him even when Bradley was unresponsive. But then, one day, Max stopped coming.

Bradley had initially dismissed the absence, assuming there must be a good reason. But as days turned into weeks and Max remained a ghost, doubt began to fester. His parents, perhaps unknowingly, had stoked the flames of his suspicion. They spoke of Max's guilt, how he blamed himself for the accident, and how he had eventually stopped coming to the hospital, unable to face Bradley's unconscious form any longer. They didn't mean to, but their words only served to solidify Bradley's growing conviction that Max had chosen to abandon him.

Bradley sighed and took a sip of his coffee. The Bean Scene Café was bustling with activity, a stark contrast to the emptiness he felt inside. He came here often, finding a strange comfort in the anonymity the crowd offered. It was easier to be alone in a sea of strangers than in the silence of his apartment, where every corner echoed with memories of happier times.

He was about to leave when he saw them. Max, Bobby, PJ, and Roxanne. They were sitting at a corner table, laughing and chatting as if the world hadn't shifted on its axis. Bradley's heart lurched at the sight. Max looked happy, more relaxed than Bradley had seen him in a long time. And then there was Roxanne, Max's ex. She sat close to him, her hand resting casually on his arm as she laughed at something PJ said.

Bradley's mind raced, piecing together a narrative that only fueled his anger and hurt. Roxanne had always had a thing for Max. It was common knowledge, even when they were together. And now, seeing them so close, so comfortable in each other's company, Bradley couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps Max had left him because of her. Maybe she was the reason he had stopped coming to the hospital, the reason he had abandoned their friendship.

His blood boiled at the thought. How could Max move on so easily? How could he forget everything they had been through, everything they had shared? The betrayal felt even sharper now, edged with the realization that Max had chosen someone else over him. He clenched his fists, the anger threatening to spill over.

Unable to watch any longer, Bradley stood up abruptly, knocking his chair over in the process. Heads turned to look at him, but he didn't care. He needed to get out of there before he did something he might regret. He stormed out of the café, the door slamming shut behind him.

Outside, the summer sun was blazing, but Bradley felt nothing but cold fury. He walked aimlessly, his thoughts a chaotic whirl of anger and hurt. He wanted to confront Max, to demand answers, but at the same time, he was terrified of what those answers might be. What if Max confirmed his worst fears? What if he admitted that he had chosen Roxanne over him, that he had moved on without a second thought?

Bradley shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He couldn't dwell on it. Max had made his choice, and if this was how he wanted things to be, then so be it. Bradley was used to being alone anyway. He would survive, just as he always had.

The days that followed were a blur of monotonous routines and sleepless nights. Bradley threw himself into his work, trying to drown out the thoughts that haunted him. But no matter how busy he kept himself, he couldn't escape the nagging feeling of betrayal. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Max and Roxanne together, their smiles mocking him.

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