Chapter Eight

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*Elizabeth's point of view*


It was almost Christmas already. I had been staying with Matt and Josh, and Matt had recently moved out into an apartment with Jamie, which I thought was really sweet. There was still a lot of Matt's stuff in the apartment, but he had been coming over almost everyday and grabbing things. I felt at home, keeping busy everyday at my new job as a journalist for a local paper, spending time with friends and family, then spending every night with Josh. It felt so good just to be near him again, like he was everything I needed, there for me all the time. We were just as close as we were in high school, and it felt good to be reminded of the good past, all of the great memories we had.

*Flashback 12 years ago*

We were sitting outside during lunch. It was just a couple of friends, Matt and Josh were there. We were all hanging out on the football field, trying to soak in the late summer sun while it lasted. I was laying with my head against Josh's chest, his arms around my waist, fiddling with a loose thread on my shirt.

We weren't dating, but we were really close. Josh hardly ever left my side,we went everywhere together, did everything together. I loved our friendship, but I had always hoped it would evolve into something more. I thought from day one he might actually be the one guy I let myself fall for, even though I knew he would never be there to catch me.

A cloud fell over the sun and all at once it was cold outside. I wrapped my arms around me, and Josh pulled me closer to him, burying his face in my hair.

"Will you two just kiss already"? Matt joked.

Everyone laughed, people were always making jokes like this about Josh and I. I slid away from Josh to sit beside him, feeling suddenly embarrassed.

And that's when it happened.

Just like that, he turned to me and kissed me, cupping my face gently. I had been too stunned to do anything, just sat there like a complete dork, closing my eyes and letting him kiss me, not caring if it would ever stop.

It was exactly what I had been imagining. So perfect, such a sweet and simple kiss, I couldn't have asked for anything better.

When he pulled away, a viscous grin played at his lips. Eyes still locked on mine, smiling like a goof, he called; "was that what you were talking about, Matt"?

*End of Flashback*

Something else good had come out of the past two months. I hadn't had a headache, no vomiting or anything. Every once and a while I would get headaches, just there in the back of my mind to remind me the tumor would never really go away. But after a while without the slightest pain, I had a feeling it wouldn't be bothering me anymore.

I heard a knock the front door and walked over, peering through the peep hole. "Hey, Matty"! I called as I opened the door, letting Matt in.

"Did you come to get more of your stuff"? I asked, walking towards the living room. "I think there's only a couple of boxes left in your room, and maybe a few more things we didn't pack yet".

"That's not why I came her, Ellie".

I looked over at him, and really studied his face for the first time. He looked tired, with bags under his eyes. He looked so worn and broken, and I had no idea what was going on.

"Matty, are you ok"? I asked, sitting down on the arm of the sofa. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, still leaning against the wall by the kitchen.

"I'm guessing Josh told you I was planning on proposing to Jamie", he started, and I nodded. Josh was supposed to keep it a secret but he told me within minutes of finding out. I didn't say anything, keeping my mouth shut like I was supposed to.

"Well, I can't".

My eyes widened. What on earth could keep Matt from marrying Jamie? They seemed so happy together, Jamie was always gushing to me about how sweet and romantic Matt was, and I had overheard some of Josh's conversations with Matt about how wonderful she was. It didn't make any sense.

"Why can't you marry Jamie, Matt? I thought she was the love of her life".

He started fidgeting, something he had been doing since grade 9 whenever he got nervous.

"That's what I came here to talk to you about but, I don't know if I can".

I got up and walked over to him, taking his hands and looking him in the eye, trying to be reassuring. "Matty, you can tell me anything. We were best friends for nine years, I don't understand why we wouldn't be now. Please talk to me, I'm sure we can get through whatever it is you're dealing with".

He took a deep breath, looking like he was about to cry. I squeezed his hand, trying to comfort him. Whatever he was keeping to himself was obviously huge, and I knew he wanted to talk to someone about it. I looked over at him as he took in another deep breath. It was like he was telling himself, here goes nothing.

"Ellie, I'm in love with you".

Um.... dont't hate me? I'm sorry for ending it here, but I don't have any more time to continue it. I have sooooo much homework. I will probably update it in a couple of days. So pleasee dun hate meh. Cause I lufs you.

No, seriously, I love every single one of you. Even if you only took the time to read one chapter, or if you've read the whole thing, I appreciate it. Like, a lot. So thank you to every single one of you, you all get infinite french kisses because you're all just so damm amazing.

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