Chapter Fourteen

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Um... before I start I'll just say that this chapter has some swearing and some kinda "vulgar" parts I guess you could say (It's one am... idk k?). It kinda dives into Josh's past a bit with his cutting and drug addiction so if you're not comfortable with stuff like that don't read the flashback thing near the end.

Also extremely long chapter cause I don't know why, ok?!

*Elizabeth's point of view*

I woke up, my eyes adjusting to the dim light of the room; but I couldn't see. My vision was blurry and I felt woozy, arms restricted to my sides. In an attempt to sit up and bed, I felt as if every ounce of energy had been sucked out out me.

"Ellie! You're awake"!

I collapsed against the pillow, feeling slightly out of breath. I turned to see Matt hovering over me, a weak smile plastered on his face. It really seemed he was just relieved to see I was breathing.

"How long have I been asleep"? I asked, reaching my arm up to scratch the back of my neck.

"A few hours. It's about 4 in the morning".

I sighed, closing my eyes. Everything hurt. i could barely recall what had happened. I remembered glimpses of the flashing lights of the ambulance, the medic asking me questions as I was rolled out of the restaurant; the worried glances I got from Josh as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

"Where's Josh"? I asked, realizing they hadn't let him follow past the waiting room.

Matt smirked and pointed to the far end of the large room I had to myself. Sitting on the window sill, his head rested against the glass, was a sleeping Josh.

"He's been with you all night. Stood outside your door until they finally let him in. I went on a coffee run for the both of us twenty minutes ago and he was still awake".

"I bet he hasn't been asleep for ten".

"I bet five".

"Are we betting money? I could use some cash".

Matt rolled his eyes and turned to the door where Mike and Ian stood, coffee in hand.

"This is a hospital, not a casino. Try and be considerate".

Mike looked down at his shoes and mumbled a sorry while Ian stood there grinning like an idiot. I couldn't help but laugh at them.

"It's fine, Matt. I need something to distract me anyways.." I trailed off, a coughing fit cutting me off. Matt immediately sat down beside me on the bed, rubbing my back in  an attempt to comfort me.

"I'm fine, i swear", I croaked out as the coughing finished. I leaned back onto the pillow, completely breathless.

"Do you need something to drink"? Mike asked.

i nodded, closing my eyes again.

"Ok, Matt will get right on that".

A moment later I heard an "Ow", sound from Mike.

"That's gonna bruise, asshole". I heard him say.

Matt replied with a laugh. "Good"! I heard him call from a distance, I guessed he was already heading down the hallway.

I rolled over slightly, trying to catch my breath. I heard Mike and Ian sit down in the chairs placed close to the bed. All I could hear was the monitor beside my bed beeping every few seconds.

A few moments of awkward silence past until I could heat footsteps crossing the room.

"Is she awake"? I heard Josh whisper, sitting down at the edge of my bed.

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