39-[ʟᴏꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ]

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Days have come and gone, and once again Jimin finds himself feeling foolish. In the vast city of Seoul, Taehyung has vanished or perhaps he's simply hiding somewhere that Jimin's mind cannot fathom.

How many times has Jimin screamed and cried for Taehyung, only to be met with emptiness? No matter what he does, he can only drown in the memories they shared. Taehyung is nowhere to be found, and the pain cuts deep.

Tonight, Jimin seeks escape in alcohol, just like every other night. He doesn't quite understand why he ended up at this bar, but watching people drown their sorrows in alcohol somehow brings him a strange sense of comfort. It reassures him that he's not alone in his pain, and that his suffering is not unique.

Though tonight it's different, His gaze fixates on a particular couple, two boys deeply in love. They are too far away for Jimin to see their faces clearly, but he can sense the adoration in their eyes and the laughter that fills the air whenever they speak to each other.

Could it be Jimin and Taehyung? The mere thought sends a pang of anguish through Jimin's heart. He despises how he ended up in this bar, surrounded by happy couples who are lost in their own blissful worlds of bullshits, It makes him feel sick to his stomach.

Without a second thought, Jimin pays his tab and stumbles out of the bar. He doesn't care about reaching his car or walking down the street with unsteady feet. All he wants is to escape the suffocating pain that lingers in his heart.

Jimin walked aimlessly along the sidewalk, his mind clouded by the effects of alcohol. He had lost his sense of direction long ago, lost in a haze of emptiness and despair. All he could feel was the earth beneath his feet, slipping away with each step he took.

As he walked, his feet grew heavy and his head spun. He couldn't understand anything anymore, couldn't make sense of the world around him. It was all a blur, a jumble of colors and sounds that seemed to mock him.

Finally, unable to go on, Jimin sank to the ground, his back against a cold, unfeeling wall. He didn't care how pathetic he must look, how lost and broken he must appear to anyone passing by. All he cared about was the overcoat he clutched tightly in his hands.

It was Taehyung's coat, oversized and comforting in its warmth. Jimin buried his face in the fabric, "I missyou tae I miss you so much" letting out a shaky breath as tears burned in the corners of his eyes.

He hated himself for being like this, for succumbing to the darkness that seemed to consume him from within. But in that moment, all he could do was sit on the cold sidewalk, lost in a sea of despair and self-loathing.

And as the world moved on around him, Jimin stayed there, a broken soul in need of healing that seemed forever out of reach.


"I've been telling you, Taehyung isn't doing anything right!" Out of the blue, Jin exclaimed, This caught Namjoon off guard, leaving him bewildered.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon questioned,

Jin sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Have you seen Taehyung in the last 15 days? He looks like a walking zombie, all worn out. He hardly leaves his apartment anymore. He's not taking care of himself."

Namjoon let out a sigh of his own, feeling the weight of concern. "What should I do, Jin?"

Jin suggested, "Talk to him. Maybe he's just not in the right state of mind. He needs someone to reach out to him."

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