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I left you
Just like before
But why's it aching more then before
Was it because I have you the invitation
To my celebration

But what could I do
Cause my parents were forcing me
But trust me he's not bad
As he's my first love
I know him well
He'll keep me happy
Don't be worried

I got a call
I picked it up
And all i heard was silence

I greeted the latter once more
And the way he spoke my name
I knew it was you

But how did you got my number
Oh right it was written on the card

I whispered your name

I remember what I heard next
I remember everything
How you were breathing heavily
I remember everything
How you begged me to not do this

"Lisa pl-please don't do this I beg you just please don't do this"

I closed my eyes
What else could I do
You were pleading me like I was your lover
And I was cheating on you

"Jungkook please don't make it hard for me"

I told with the strength I was left with

"Lalis it's a prank right how can you-

"I'm not cheating on you Jungkook and you're even my lover so why are you acting like this-

"I love you"

You shut me up
With those words
And trust me I wanted to say I love you too
But it was just

"It's too late now"

I hung up and ran to the washroom
And only those four walls knew how much I cried
Only my pillow knew how much hurted I was

Why now Jungkook
Why now

Why not 4 years ago
When I still had time
What about Rose?
Wasn't she the one you loved

And that midnight
I got a call
A simple call that turned US upside down

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