37 : In Search of Answers : Past Unfolding?

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I heard him collapse on the floor, his screams of anguish echoing through the door

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I heard him collapse on the floor, his screams of anguish echoing through the door. "Stop it, Jungkook, stop it, please," I whispered, biting down on my hand to stifle my own sobs, my nose running as tears streamed down my face.

After what felt like an eternity, the screaming ceased, replaced by silence. My heart pounded in the quiet, each beat a painful reminder of the distance between us. Suddenly, my phone rang, the sound jarring in the stillness.

I wiped my face hastily and pulled it out from my pocket, seeing Jungkook's name on the screen. My heart ached as I pressed to answer, trying to suppress my cries.

Neither of us spoke, but the silence was filled with the sound of our shared sobs. Each breath, each sniffle, mirrored our pain. Both of us were drowning in sorrow, our hearts shattered and bleeding. The depth of our hurt was screaming, a force that bound us even in our separation.

He broke the painful silence between us.   "Yn! I don't remember when or why I fell for her, but my heart always ached for you. I longed to have you in my arms, to love you, to protect you, to cherish you, to fall asleep beside you. You were my peace, the peace I kept ignoring."

"It wasn't just physical desire, my feelings were so intense, so deep, so otherworldly that they felt undeniably right. Seeing you going away from me, thinking I couldn't have you, it was unbearable. I felt like you came into this world only for me, just to live with me and grow old with me, but it seemed impossible. Whenever I caught you staring at me, I felt that gaze was familiar, like your eyes wanted me just as much as I wanted you. I hated myself for that, trying to keep us both away from the forbidden flames of our desires."

"I thought maybe it was because we were friends that I felt this way, but at the same time, I felt like I was betraying her with these thoughts of you, with always having you in my head and heart. I desperately cut you out of my life, to make things right. But slowly, I realized I was finding home and peace in you." He scoffed.

I was just crying because I knew he did what any husband would have done to stay loyal. He didn't need to explain why. All I wanted to know was why he never acknowledged our friendship. But now, I understand. That witch had been behind it, playing sick manipulative games, creating false evidence against me all those years.

His voice regretful, and my eyes were filled with tears. I could feel his pain, the struggle in his heart. The truth was laid bare between us, aching, but it didn't ease the hurt. Our love, our friendship, had been tainted by lies and deceit, and now we were left to pick up the pieces.

"I came to Korea, and I discovered the depth of our bond. Then there was her, all alone, without parents or friends. No one had contacted her in those three years. She told me we dated, we were happy, and we had... physical relations just after college..." His voice trailed off, choked with emotion. Each word was like a dagger, reminding me how she had succeeded in snatching him away from me.

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