38 : Threads of Time: Recovered Conversations

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I woke up and didn't find her

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I woke up and didn't find her. Panic set in. I expected her to be here, knowing my state. She can't leave me, she won't leave me. I mumbled this mantra over and over, walking to the washroom.

Flicking on the light, I took a quick bath, splashing water on my face, trying to shake off the dread. Looking into the mirror, scenes from earlier moments replayed in my mind like a haunting slideshow.

Realizing something, I rushed out of the washroom and searched frantically around the room until I found it—the diary, partially hidden under the bed sheet. Grabbing it, my fingers traced over her name on the cover.

The first page was a dedication to my life, to Kiwi. I hit my head, trying to remember when I had written this, but the handwriting was undoubtedly mine. It meant Yn was always a special person to me. As I continued reading, tears welled up in my eyes. I fought to keep them at bay, not wanting Mom and Dad to check on me. Each page bore her kisses.

Undoubtedly, I loved Yn in the past. But why did I choose Seri? The clues were all there. I laughed, a bitter sound, at my rash decisions.

I took my phone to call Yn but stopped, knowing she would think I wanted her only because I rediscovered my feelings through this diary. I decided to give her some time. She was exhausted too. I resisted the urge to go to her.

Then I reached the last page of the diary, where I had made my decision. The words were filled with helplessness and vulnerability as I chose Seri and apologized to Yn. Reading it broke my heart into pieces.

And there, at the bottom of the last page, was her question:

— If you felt so trapped and weak, why did you crush the only soul that would have died to save yours? I would have torn myself apart, shred every piece of me, just to set you free, my love !

Her words cut deep, making it clear that I was the one who had abandoned her. The immense guilt tore me apart inside. My head pounded painfully, prompting me to reach for a painkiller. I buried my face in the pillow, seeking relief from the headache and trying to gather myself to do what needed to be done.

 I buried my face in the pillow, seeking relief from the headache and trying to gather myself to do what needed to be done

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