The deadly implosion

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Friday entered Mr Maclean's geometry glass and took a seat at the front. She figured out she could read 2 to 3 books before the lesson begun. As Friday took out her supplies she spotted a Greek God making her stop in her tracks.......

As he entered the room, his blonde hair shined in the light his piercing blue eyes drifted around the class and eventually floated towards Friday making her flinch before sneakily taking a seat without Mr Maclean noticing he was late.

"Who is he," Asked Friday to Melanie

"Ian wainscott," replied Melanie

"Now I'm going to announce the student with the highest IQ,"

"It must be Ian he is very smart" says Mirabella

"No who's Ian. The student with the brightest IQ is a boy called Friday Balmes," announced Mr Maclean

He looked around the room for a reply
"Balmes show yourself,"

Friday turned red. She didn't want to say anything but she knew she had to.
"It's Barnes. Friday Barnes"

Mr Maclean observed Friday before saying
"It says it is a boy called Friday Balmes must of been a typo"

"I think I know my own name. Mr Maclean are you wearing your reading glasses?" Asked Friday

Everyone laughed including Mr Maclean

"My dear girl this is a private school. You have entered lord of the files now."

The rest of the lesson went smoothly enough.
Mirabella took every opportunity to make snide comments about Friday, but she was obviously having difficulty amusing the interest of the other students.

When they did glance at Friday it was with apathetic disinterest which was just the way Friday liked things.

"Excuse me," said Ian.

Friday looked up and flinched again. Ian had leaned across the aisle and had placed his hand on the edge of her desk. He smiled his supernova smile and she caught her breath. Somewhere at the back of Friday's large brain Friday noted that Ian even smelled nice.

"May I borrow a pen?" Asked Ian "I seem to have forgotten mine
(Uh oh!)
"Of course," said Friday "Help yourself," She gestured towards the pencil box at the corner of her desk. Ian took a pen and went back to his work, studiously taking notes as the lesson progressed. After a while Friday found she could concentrate sufficiently to draw a diagram of a ecosystem of a rainforest. Everything was proceeding normally enough when suddenly Friday's pencil box imploded.
Now the difference between your pencil box imploding over exploding is that the pink plastic material would melt instead of bursting. Everyone stood up in their seats surprisingly.
"Headmasters office, he wouldn't appreciate your behavior," said Mr Maclean
"But.." protested Friday
Friday sighed as she begun her walk of shame.
She turned around it was Ian
"Here's your pen,"
Friday looked at him. He smiled and evil smile. She immediately knew he was the one who did the implosion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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