Chapter 3: assembling some allies and a future friend?

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Unknowingly They didn't know that Jimmy was already dead and he's a spirit and His sister named Gloria saw and heard everything and told him everything

Gloria: Jimmy... I'm sorry...

Jimmy Kellogg:...No....NO!!! Why?!? Why did I have to be cursed to being this evil future version of myself?! Why?!? I don't want to destroy the universe!! I just want peace... No more more suffering...*he said he was covering his head*

Gloria:*hugs him*

Jimmy Kellogg:*hugs her while holding back tears*

Meanwhile in the Menly base

Emman: So... You want me... To help you save the universe... Because of a future version of Jimmy?

Inko: yeah it's true.

And then a spirit of Jimmy and Gloria are there

Gloria: Jimmy...we must fix this mess Rei did.

Jimmy Kellogg: I know... But why?! Why did this all happen to me?! How could I become this future version of myself?! I can't let my future self destroy the universe!

And then Shining armor heard them

Shining armor: oh hi Jimmy! :D

Jimmy Kellogg:*wipes his tears* Emman is here?! I must warn him immediately!

Shining armor: uhhhh... I don't think you can hear you.

Jimmy Kellogg: Tell Emman I'm here! *He shouted so Emman can hear him*

And then Emman hears him

Emman:*hears him* what was that?*he shrugs his shoulders*

Shining armor:*looks at Gloria* wow Jimmy I didn't realize you were having an affair. No offense random girl.

Gloria: What?! I'm his sister! Jimmy is my little brother!

Shining armor: wow Jimmy I didn't realize you had a sister.

Jimmy Kellogg: yes she's my sister but there's no time!*he said as he drew a note and made it a paper airplane and threw it at Emman*

Emman:*gets hit* hey! Who threw...*looks at it* That?

He opens it and it was a note saying

I need to talk to you immediately!!


Emman: uhhhh...okay?

Big Mac: anything wrong Emman?

Emman: oh no... For some reason Jimmy wanted me to go visit him for some reason.

And then Emman teleported to where Jimmy is at

Shining armor: so...Gloria you were the only person who was nice to Jimmy?

Gloria: yes considering me, our sister rose, our grandparents, and his foster parents cared about him.

And then Emman showed up

Emman: hey shining!

Shining armor: oh hi Emman!

Emman: so... where's Jimmy?

Jimmy Kellogg: I'm right here Emman!

He said as everyone heard him

Big Mac: huh?! Is that Jimmy?!

Spike:*looks at Gloria* wow I didn't know Jimmy was having an affair.

Cheese sandwich: No you idiot. That's his mom.

Inko: Jimmy's mom obviously hated him. That's his cousin.

Gloria: No! I'm his sister! Since me, Rose, His grandparents, And his foster parents were the only ones who cared about him but there is no time!

Jimmy Kellogg: I've heard about a future version of myself that is plotting to destroy the universe. And I must not let that can I join you all to save the universe?

Emman:...sure. I don't see why not.

Meanwhile with Rei

Rei Was out of the hospital but she woke up in a futuristic laboratory

Rei:*wakes up* ohhh...what happened?

?????: you were nearly killed that's what.

Rei: huh?! How?!

?????: well after that beatdown Jimmy gave you, you were in a coma and nearly died.

Rei: But why did you bring me here?!

?????: because we need to take down..."him"

Rei: I'm so confused! Who are you?!


?????:... Wendy.

Rei: Huh? Wendy as in Emman's sister?

Future Wendy: yep. But from the future.

Rei: okay...but I don't get it. Why would you want to save me?

Future Wendy: because... You can stop him.

Rei: you already asked me that! Who's him?!

Future Wendy:... Jimmy Kellogg.

Rei:*shocked* WHAT?!?! Why Jimmy?!

Future Wendy: Not past Jimmy!! Future Jimmy!

Rei: Future Jimmy?! What did he do?!

Future Wendy: well...after you caused World war 3 in the dark dimension he signed up his soul w
To my father...Zalgo.

Rei: huh?! Why would he do that?!

Future Wendy: well...after the rage consumed him he despised everything...he blamed society for what you did.

Rei: oh... I can't believe it...

Future Wendy: but hey... It's not completely your fault... Well you did have Kim Jong-un's phone number... But he did threaten your family.

Rei: yeah... But it's all my fault! Maybe Jimmy would be happy if me and my friends never met him!

Future Wendy: well... Jimmy might know a lot of things... But here's something he doesn't know.

Rei: what is it?

Future Wendy:... Accidents and Purposes happen.

Rei: huh?

Future Wendy: accidents and purposes happen. I know you didn't mean to start world war III in the dark dimension. You didn't do it on purpose. Nor you did it on accident.

Rei: so what are you trying to say?

Future Wendy: it is and not your fault.

Rei: so... It's My fault for all of this happening... But it's not all of my faults?

Future Wendy: yep.

Rei: so...thanks...*gasps* I know what to do now! I need to save the universe!

Future Wendy: yeah... But here's something you need...

And then future Wendy opens the closet to reveal a futuristic suit

Future Wendy: my brother Emman used to wear this before he was killed by future Jimmy...*looks at Rei* but it can fit you too.


5 minutes later

It shows Rei wearing the suit

Rei: fits! But how am I going to get back?

Future Wendy: oh simple. Go through the time machine.

Rei: alright...Inko! Mitsuki! Olivia! Flora exe! I'm coming! *She goes through the time portal*

Future Wendy:*looks at her*...good luck.

Too be continued!!

I hope you like this chapter and if you did please give it a vote and a good comment and That's all for now folks and Emmanuel out!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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