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The sea was a mesmerizing sight as the sun began to lower, signaling the approaching night. Captain Brielle stood on the deck, admiring the view while her crew reveled in celebration. The men were dancing and drinking beer, their laughter echoing across the ship. A few had already succumbed to sleep, sprawled out wherever they found comfort. Brielle sighed, longing for the days when peace reigned and she wasn't embroiled in the constant struggles of war. Ithaca was her home, a place she once loved to plunder yet treated its people with kindness.

"Captain!" Brielle turned at the familiar voice of her first mate and best friend, Anastasia.

"Yes?" Brielle asked, her eyes still fixed on the vast expanse of the ocean.

"Are you worried about what the blind prophet Tiresias said?" Anastasia's voice held a note of concern.

"Not really," Brielle replied.

"Why not? As your loyal friend for years, aren't you worried about the curse?" Anastasia pressed.

Brielle pondered for a moment. Of course, she was concerned about Tiresias's ominous prediction, but there were more immediate matters at hand, like their return to Ithaca.

"Look, we don't know when it's going to happen. It could be soon, or it might be far off in the future. We just don't know yet," Brielle said, forcing a smile. "Now go have fun."

Anastasia reluctantly returned to the festivities while Brielle continued to gaze at the darkening sky. The wind played with her brown locks, bringing a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

"Captain Brielle!" A voice called out, cutting through her reverie. She looked up to see the king of Ithaca, Odysseus.

"My king. What do you want?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Do you know which way Ithaca is?" Odysseus inquired.

"And what makes you think I'm going to answer?" Brielle smirked, enjoying the chance to tease him.

"I mean, you've been sailing these waters your whole life," Odysseus replied, his tone half-serious.

Brielle cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms tighter. "I say south," she finally answered.

"Thank you," Odysseus said, nodding appreciatively.

"You're welcome."

"Hey, what are you going to do once we get home from the war?" Odysseus asked, his curiosity genuine.

"Maybe sail more and finally explore different lands," Brielle said, meeting his gaze.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 - Percy Jackson Where stories live. Discover now