chapter two

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[Chapter two]

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[Chapter two]

Tw: mentions of Blood and Torture,

Brielle was a pirate, always consumed by the chaos of the sea, never having the time or inclination to consider marriage. In her youth, she had never planned on getting married.

She didn't even know what love truly felt like. For thousands of years, even while cursed, she sought love but could never find it.

She remembered vividly one instance in the 19th century with Oshira, the malevolent witch who had tortured her. Desperate and broken, Brielle had asked, "What's love?"

**Flashback Scene**

"DAMN IT!" Brielle screamed. Her body was covered in bruises, scratches, and blood. "Oshira, please stop!" she yelled, trying to crawl away, only to feel her hair yanked back.

Oshira smirked, pulling Brielle closer. "Be grateful, little bitch. You're lucky I didn't take all of your soul!" she sneered, shoving Brielle down.

"Oshira, please, I'm begging you. Just let me have a five-minute break," Brielle coughed up blood.

She was on the verge of passing out from her injuries, a state she often found herself in but never succumbed to, due to her curse. Despite her wish for death, she knew she needed to find a boy to fall in love with, and he had to love her back.

"Oshira," Brielle managed to whisper. Despite her cruelty, Oshira could be unexpectedly kind at times.

"What is love?" Oshira looked at Brielle, momentarily puzzled.

"Well, dear, I'll make this brief," Oshira began. "Love is something you can't have. It's good, but there's something about it that's so elusive." She made a sound of disgust.

"My mother told me about how my father ran away when I was born, and she never fell in love with any man again," Brielle muttered.

"And she's right. Love is an asshole."

"But you said I have to find love," Brielle said.

"I mean, pirates can never fall in love," Oshira smirked. "That's why I made it so difficult for you."

**Flashback Ends**

Love was something Brielle could never have. It was impossible for her to fall in love. But then she saw the boy with the blue eyes (that's what she called him), and her stomach fluttered. She didn't know what this feeling was, but she wanted to see if the boy was there.

She didn't understand why she felt this way, but it was a feeling she had never experienced before. It was reminiscent of the flustered sensation she had when talking to Odysseus, King of Ithaca, by a campfire the night the ship went to Circe's island after Poseidon's wrath.

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