Jealousy 🌩️ (pt. 2) {BL}

189 8 11

Warning; Smut
(Just the smut scene from last chapter for those who wanna read. Gonna be very long! And freaky 😛 not read over)

Kusa and Memphis are now treading the new territory this relationship has in store for them. There's no going back now...

Word Count; 2060(^◇^)


"He stay ignoring me

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"He stay ignoring me. Shit pissin me off."
18 • 5'8 • ♏︎

"Aye young stop playing wit me

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"Aye young stop playing wit me."
18 • 5'9 • ♈︎

||3rd Person POV||


"Fu-mmmmm," Kusa was struggling to keep his noises in. And Memphis was struggling to pull a moan out. He craved Kusa. He didn't like him holding back. He started kissing all over Kusa's face, who was tense as ever. No matter what he did, Kusa wasn't letting up.

"Baby...what's wrong?" Memphis paused his assault on Kusa's neck, trying to make eye contact.

"N-nothing, keep going," Kusa said, pulling him down by a singular loc so their lips could ghost each other. "I'm fine."

Memphis wasn't buying it, so flipped them over and sat Kusa in his lap, who thought he might've just experienced whiplash from the action.

"Tell me. How you want me? Your pleasure is mine, snook," Memphis said forcing Kusa to look at his by his chin.

"I just...uhm," Memphis patiently waited for him to continue, "usually I'm the one..." his words dissipated on his tongue in embarrassment of the confession. But it was true. Like a ritual, Kusa never let anyone really take the lead, let alone another guy.

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