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As per usual, the curtis residence was full of laughter, Two-bit was sat by the television sharing a chocolate cake with Steve whilst watching Mickey Mouse cracking jokes occasionally, Dallas was sat on the sofa smoking a cigarette as he spoke quietly to Johnny - and Soda and Darry we're doing god knows what.

Ponyboy huffed, to say the least, he was bored, he had just finished reading to kill a mockingbird, so he had no books to read, and he had watched all the over tapes they had left and there was nothing on at the drive-in until later or else he would've gone.

He silently got up from the sofa as he quietly walked into his and soda's shared bedroom, surely there must be a tape under the bed they haven't watched yet.

He carefully got down on his hands and his knees - wincing as a few small stones that the gang must had bought in as they came in, pierced his hand.

He quickly dusted the few stones away, grimacing, as he reached a hand out under the dark bed and started to try and feel around for the familiar box.

Just as he was about to retreat his hand considering he kept on smacking the floor, he finally felt the box, aha.

he shuffled the box out from under the bed, wiping his dusty hands on his already dirty jeans as he directed his focus to what was inside the box.

He prayed whatever was in the box wasn't grease - two-bit loved grease, ponyboy perhaps liked it a bit not that he'd admit it, but he didn't want to watch some sappy romance film and he couldn't be bothered to put up with Dally's complaints and Steve badly singing along to the songs.

He reached into the box and started going through the movies - he quirked a brow as he saw a title called 'the outsiders' he hadn't heard of this film before - perhaps darry got it?

He quickly took the tape out curiously and brung it into the living room, he felt like this tape was perhaps important - like he was meant to watch it.

He walked into the living room curiously approaching Soda "hey soda, do ya' know wha' this movie is?"

Sodapop glanced over him furrowing his eyebrows, "no... don't thin' i've ever' seen it before, why pony'?" He questioned curiously,

Ponyboy shrugged, he just wanted to see if he knew, perhaps they just had to watch the movie to see what it's about?

"Hey do ya' guys wanna watch this movie with' me that i found in mine and Soda's bedroom?" Ponyboy questioned curiously, avoiding Darry's eyes know that he would check the age restriction and see if it was okay for a 14 year old.

Two-bit went to protest, not wanting to stop watching Mickey Mouse but his protests fell on death ears considering everyone was bored of watching Mickey Mouse and would rather watch some random film.

Darry put the tape in the TV as they all crowded around as per usual whilst trying to make sure it wasn't uncomfortable.

the screen faded to black before it showed Ponyboy sitting at his desk, with a thoughtful look on his face with a pen and piece of paper.

"What the hell is this?!" Darry shouted, wondering if some soc was stalking his baby brother and decided it was funny to send the tape.

Johnny watched with fearful eyes - perhaps the soc's sent a tape for them to watch Ponyboy getting jumped, but the thing is Ponyboy hasn't got jumped that didn't calm Johnny's nerves at all, if anything it made him more fearful.

Ponyboy watched with wide eyes, he wanted to be like Paul Newman, yes we was in a movie but it seemed like he was being stalked!! He knew the socs had it out for the greasers but he didn't realise they would take it to a whole other level.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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